Org transaction log -- CIBL
Regular season

3/31/2024BROSmith,DoAcquired via tradeCOM After
3/31/2024CLEJeffersTraded awayEMP After
3/31/2024CLEYelichTraded awayDUT After
3/31/2024COMSmith,DoTraded awayBRO After
3/31/2024DEMAshbyTraded awayPHO After
3/31/2024DEMMayzaAcquired via tradePHO After
3/31/2024DEMNerisAcquired via tradePHO After
3/31/2024DRIChargoisAcquired via tradeEMP After
3/31/2024DRIOlivaresTraded awayEMP After
3/31/2024DUTYelichAcquired via tradeCLE After
3/31/2024EMPChargoisTraded awayDRI After
3/31/2024EMPJeffersAcquired via tradeCLE After
3/31/2024EMPOlivaresAcquired via tradeDRI After
3/31/2024EMPWells,TTraded awaySYN After
3/31/2024PHOAshbyAcquired via tradeDEM After
3/31/2024PHOMayzaTraded awayDEM After
3/31/2024PHONerisTraded awayDEM After
3/31/2024PINRosario,AAcquired via tradeREB After
3/31/2024REBRosario,ATraded awayPIN After
3/31/2024SYNWells,TAcquired via tradeEMP After
4/2/2024SCOEstrada,TPlaced on Injured List 4/3/2024Before
4/2/2024SCOHanigerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/2/2024SYNMejia,FPromoted to active roster  Before
4/5/2024PINBarlow,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024PINFreelandPromoted to active roster  Before
4/5/2024PINMeansDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024PINMollDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024PINPruittPromoted to active roster  Before
4/5/2024PINRosenbergPromoted to active roster  Before
4/5/2024PINSchreiberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024PINShawPromoted to active roster  Before
4/5/2024STODoddDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024STOFeltnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024STOJarvisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024STOKelly,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024STOMarte,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024STOMcKenzieDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024STOMillasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024STOPerdomo,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024STORichardsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024STORosario,EdDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024STOTeheranDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024STOTreinenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024STOWinderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/5/2024STOYoung,JSDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024COMAbbott,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024COMGermanPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024COMGottPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024COMMiller,MPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024COMMiller,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024COMRamirez,NPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024COMStantonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024COMWilson,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024DEMBrown,HPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024DEMHendricksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024DEMPresslyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024DEMUribePromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024DRIdeGromDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024DRIGiolitoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024DRIMarte,SPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024DRIMatzPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024DRIPacheDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024DRIRizzoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024DRIStewart,DJDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024DRIToussaintDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024DSXMurfeePromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024DSXStewart,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024DUTBelloPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024DUTSoderstromPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024DUTWicksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024FIHLugoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024FIHMcClanahan,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024FIHNewmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024FIHThompson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024FORMarloweDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024FORSchmittPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024PINBrazobanPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024PINCronDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024SCOEstrada,TActivated from Injured List  Before
4/6/2024SCOGelofPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024SCOHanigerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024SCOMateoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024SEABaumannDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024SEALeiterPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024SEAReaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024SEAUrquidyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024SLGAnderson,NPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024SLGAnderson,TyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024SLGBurlesonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024SLGCarlsonPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024SLGGomberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024SLGKelly,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024SLGKittredgePromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024SLGLittellPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024SLGRasmussenPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024SLGRomeroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024SPCNelson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024SPCSilsethDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024SYNHolmesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024SYNMejia,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024SYNRobertson,DPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024VAGAdams,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024VAGAlexander,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024VAGBeckPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024VAGBeltPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024VAGBlanco,DPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024VAGCaratiniPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024VAGMcGuireDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024VAGOberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024VAGPasquantinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024VAGPeterson,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024VAGTenaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/6/2024VAGValdez,EPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024VAGWaldronPromoted to active roster  Before
4/6/2024VAGZavalaPromoted to active roster  Before
4/7/2024PEATrammellPromoted to active roster  Before
4/7/2024REBFunderburkPromoted to active roster  Before
4/8/2024CLELoftinPromoted to active roster  Before
4/8/2024DRIStewart,DJPromoted to active roster  Before
4/9/2024DSXJunisPromoted to active roster  Before
4/9/2024DUTRendonPromoted to active roster  Before
4/9/2024RLFLivelyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/9/2024SMSHaasePromoted to active roster  Before
4/10/2024COMGottDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/10/2024COMMiller,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/10/2024COMMiller,SPromoted to active roster  Before
4/10/2024COMWilson,SPromoted to active roster  Before
4/10/2024DSXJunisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/10/2024PHOAbreu,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/10/2024PHOLoaisigaPromoted to active roster  Before
4/10/2024REBAbramsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/10/2024REBAdcockPromoted to active roster  Before
4/10/2024REBBrown,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/10/2024REBBuxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/10/2024REBGlasnowPromoted to active roster  Before
4/10/2024REBLewis,RPromoted to active roster  Before
4/10/2024REBMeadows,PPromoted to active roster  Before
4/10/2024REBRomanoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/10/2024REBRomanoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/10/2024REBRomanoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/10/2024REBRomanoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/10/2024REBSandovalDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/10/2024REBSborzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/10/2024REBStrahmDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/10/2024REBStrahmPromoted to active roster  Before
4/10/2024REBWestburgPromoted to active roster  Before
4/10/2024REBWhitlockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/10/2024REBWinn,KPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024BROKirbyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024BROMahleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024DEMBrown,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024DEMHendricksPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024DEMHoldermanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024DEMPresslyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024DUTHudson,DakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024DUTIglesiasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024DUTLowe,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024DUTMargotDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024DUTMcGoughPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024DUTMullinsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024DUTPalenciaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024DUTPerkinsPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024DUTPfaadtPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024DUTRendonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024DUTSoriano,JPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024DUTVierlingPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024FIHLugoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024FIHMcClanahan,SPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024FORGarrett,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024FORLambert,PPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024FORSchmittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024FORTaylor,TPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024PINCastro,WDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024PINFreelandDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024PINIrvin,JPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024PINLodoloDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024PINMaldonadoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024PINMollPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024PINMoustakasPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024PINRosenbergDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024PINSchreiberPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024PINSorokaPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024PINSoto,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024PINVazquezPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024REBAbramsPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024REBAdcockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024REBBrown,SPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024REBFunderburkDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024REBMeadows,PDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024REBRomanoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024REBSandovalPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024REBSborzPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024REBWestburgDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024REBWhite,BPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024REBWinn,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024RLFLivelyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SCOHamilton,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SCOHanigerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SCOJimenez,JPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SCOSanchez,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SEABaker,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SEABaumannPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SEABethancourtPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SEAFrazier,APromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SEAGarrett,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SEAGomesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SEAO'HearnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SEAPaxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SEAReaPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SEASuarez,RoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SLGAnderson,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SLGAnderson,TyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SLGBrebbiaPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SLGCarlsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SLGKarinchakPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SLGMoretaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SLGRasmussenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SLGVottoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SMSHaaseDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SPCColasPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SPCDiaz,AledDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SPCHelsleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SPCJackson,LPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SPCMaedaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SPCMarsh,APromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SYNClevingerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SYNJansen,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024SYNMejia,FPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SYNRenfroePromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SYNSkubalPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024SYNWisdomDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024VAGBibeeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024VAGEspinalDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024VAGMcGuirePromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024VAGOberPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024VAGOlson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024VAGPasquantinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024VAGPasquantinoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024VAGPeterson,JPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024VAGRivasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024VAGTenaPromoted to active roster  Before
4/11/2024VAGWaldronDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/11/2024VAGZavalaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/13/2024FIHNarvaezPromoted to active roster  Before
4/15/2024COMArmstrongDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/15/2024COMGottPromoted to active roster  Before
4/15/2024DSXStewart,BPromoted to active roster  Before
4/15/2024DSXSwanson,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/15/2024PINBarlow,SPromoted to active roster  Before
4/15/2024PINBrazobanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/15/2024PINCastro,WPromoted to active roster  Before
4/15/2024PINMoustakasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/15/2024PINShawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/15/2024PINSoto,GPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DEMBrown,HPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DEMHendricksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024DRIdeGromPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DRIGiolitoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024DRIJackson,APromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DRIMatzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024DRIMileyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024DRIPachePromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DRIQuintanaPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DRIStewart,DJDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024DRIStratton,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024DRITonkinPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTCastro,MIPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTChapman,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTDarvishDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTDuvallDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTHudson,DakPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTLangeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTLopez,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTLowe,JPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTMargotDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTMargotPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTMargotPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTMarquezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTMarquezPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTMarte,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTMasseyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTMullinsPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTNootbaarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTPhillips,CPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTRendonPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024DUTWallsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024FIHNarvaezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024FIHNewmanPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024FIHThompson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024FORGarrett,BPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024FORLambert,PDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024FORMarlowePromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024FORTaylor,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024INPBaeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024INPBaePromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024INPKeller,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024INPKiner-FalefaPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024INPMegill,TrPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024PHOBoyleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024PHOCanningPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024PHOCecconiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024PHOWinansPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024REBAbreu,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024REBBuxtonPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024REBFunderburkPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024REBGlasnowDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024REBLewis,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024REBMeadows,PPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024REBSborzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024REBStrahmPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024REBWhitlockPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024REBWiemerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024REBWiemerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024REBWiemerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024RLFUrias,LPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024SCOHamilton,IPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024SCOHanigerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024SCOKirilloffDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024SCOMateoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024SCOSanchez,GPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024SCOStephenson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024SEABethancourtDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024SEAGomesPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024SEAPaxtonPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024SEAUrquidyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024SLGBrebbiaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024SLGKarinchakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024SLGKelly,JPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024SLGLittellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024SLGMoretaPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024SLGRasmussenPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024SPCAssadDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024SPCMaedaPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024SYNBanksPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024SYNCampbellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024SYNClaseDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024SYNFlahertyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024SYNHolmesPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024SYNWells,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024VAGEspinalPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024VAGMantiplyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/17/2024VAGNardiPromoted to active roster  Before
4/17/2024VAGPeterson,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/20/2024SPCGordonPromoted to active roster  Before
4/20/2024SPCMatosPromoted to active roster  Before
4/20/2024SPCNetoPlaced on Injured List 4/21/2024Before
4/20/2024SPCPenaPlaced on Injured List 4/20/2024Before
4/21/2024CLEKing,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/21/2024CLEPepiotPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024COMArmstrongPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024COMMiller,MPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024COMMiller,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024COMWilson,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DEMCabrera,GPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DEMMayzaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DRIdeGromDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DRIGiolitoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DRIGiolitoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DRIMarte,SPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DRIMileyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DRIPacheDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DRIToussaintPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DRIVerlanderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DSXHouckPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DSXKershawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTBummerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTChapman,MPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTDarvishPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTHudson,DakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTIglesiasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTIglesiasPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTIglesiasPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTLangePromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTLopez,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTLopez,RPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTMarte,KPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTMasseyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTMcGoughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTMcGoughPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTNootbaarPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTPalenciaPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTPerkinsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTPfaadtDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTPhillips,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTRendonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTSoderstromDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTSoriano,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTWallsPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024DUTWicksPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024EMPRodriguez,EnPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024EMPSabolDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024FORMarloweDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024FORTaylor,TPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024INPBaeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024INPHarris II,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024INPRojas,JoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024PINBrazobanPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024PINDunningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024PINFreelandPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024PINLodoloPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024PINMaldonadoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024PINMay,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024PINSchreiberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024PINShawPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024PINSorokaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024PINVazquezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024REBAbreu,BPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024REBCoulombeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024REBFunderburkDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024REBGlasnowPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024REBMeadows,PDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024REBRomanoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024REBSborzPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024REBWhite,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024REBWhitlockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024REBWiemerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SCOFulmer,MPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SCOGarcia,YDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SCOGelofDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SCOGelofPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SCOKirilloffPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SEAAlvarez,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SEABaker,BPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SEABaumannDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SEABethancourtPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SEABrantleyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SEADominguez,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SEAFrazier,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SEAGarrett,APromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SEAO'HearnPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SEAPaxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SEARagansPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SEAVogelbachDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SLGBaderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SLGCarlsonPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SLGKittredgeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SLGLittellPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SLGRasmussenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SLGRomeroPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SLGVarland,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SLGVarland,LPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SPCCuasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SPCDiaz,AledPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SPCGordonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SPCGurriel,YDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SPCHelsleyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SPCNelson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SPCNetoActivated from Injured List  Before
4/22/2024SPCPenaActivated from Injured List  Before
4/22/2024SPCSilsethPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SPCSiriDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024STOBoruckiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024STOGarcia,RoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024STOMusgroveDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024STOPerdomo,APromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024STORosario,EdPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024STOTeheranPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024STOTroutDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024STOWinderPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SYNClaseDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SYNClasePromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SYNDiaz,MReleased  Before
4/22/2024SYNFelipeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SYNGravemanPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SYNMartiniSigned  Before
4/22/2024SYNMartiniDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SYNPaganDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024SYNSandlinPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024SYNWisdomPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024VAGAdams,RPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024VAGBibeePromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024VAGMcGuireDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024VAGOberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024VAGPasquantinoPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024VAGPeterson,JPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024VAGSchneiderPromoted to active roster  Before
4/22/2024VAGSlaterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024VAGTenaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/22/2024VAGValdez,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/23/2024FORBledayPromoted to active roster  Before
4/23/2024FORContrerasPromoted to active roster  Before
4/23/2024SCOStephenson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
4/23/2024SEAFrazier,APromoted to active roster  Before
4/23/2024SPCGordonPromoted to active roster  Before
4/23/2024SPCIsbelPlaced on Injured List 4/23/2024Before
4/23/2024SPCSiriPromoted to active roster  Before
4/23/2024SPCTorresPlaced on Injured List 4/24/2024Before
4/24/2024SPCBartPromoted to active roster  Before
4/24/2024SPCFermin,FPlaced on Injured List 4/25/2024Before
4/25/2024COMMiller,SPromoted to active roster  Before
4/25/2024FORContrerasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024BRORoblesPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024COMArmstrongDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024COMBiggioPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024COMMiller,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024COMStantonPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024COMTopaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024COMWilson,SPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024DEMBrown,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024DEMHendricksPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024DEMHoldermanPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024DEMPresslyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024DRIAlexander,SPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024DRIChargoisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024DRIJackson,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024DRIMatzPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024DRIQuintanaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024DRIStratton,CPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024DRITonkinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024DRIToussaintDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024DRIToussaintPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024DRIVerlanderPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024DUTBummerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024DUTCastro,MIDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024DUTDarvishDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024DUTDuvallPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024DUTHudson,DakPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024DUTLopez,RPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024DUTMargotDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024DUTMullinsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024DUTMullinsPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024DUTPalenciaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024DUTPerkinsPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024DUTPfaadtPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024DUTSoderstromPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024DUTVierlingDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024DUTWallsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024DUTWicksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024EMPCarterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024EMPPalacios,RPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024EMPRodriguez,EnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024EMPSabolPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024FORBledayDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024INPStoryPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024PINBrazobanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024PINCronPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024PINDunningPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024PINLodoloDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024PINMaldonadoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024PINMay,TPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024PINMollDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024PINMoustakasPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024PINPallantePromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024PINReyes,PDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024PINReyes,PPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024PINRosenbergPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024PINShawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024PINSorokaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024PINSorokaPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024PINStromanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024PINVazquezPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024REBAbramsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024REBBrown,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024REBBuxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024REBCleavingerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024REBCoulombePromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024REBHarveyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024REBLewis,RPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024REBMeadows,PPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024REBSandovalDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024REBStrahmDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024REBWestburgPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024REBWinn,KPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024RLFUrias,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SCOCoxPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SCOFulmer,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SCOGarcia,YPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SCOJimenez,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SCOMateoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SCOMoore,MaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SEAAlvarez,FPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SEABaker,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SEABaumannPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SEABethancourtDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SEABrantleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SEALarnachPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SEAMarsh,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SEAMarsh,BPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SEAO'HearnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SEAPaxtonPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SEARagansDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SEAVogelbachPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SLGAnderson,TyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SLGRasmussenPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SPCAssadPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SPCBartDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SPCFermin,FActivated from Injured List  Before
4/27/2024SPCGordonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SPCHeaneyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SPCIsbelActivated from Injured List  Before
4/27/2024SPCMarsh,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SPCNelson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SPCSilsethDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SPCTorresActivated from Injured List  Before
4/27/2024SYNAguilarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SYNCampbellPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SYNClasePromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SYNClevingerPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SYNFelipePromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SYNFlahertyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SYNGravemanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SYNHampsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SYNHolmesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SYNJansen,DPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SYNMartiniPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SYNMejia,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SYNPaganPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024SYNRobertson,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SYNSkubalDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024SYNWells,TPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024VAGMantiplyPromoted to active roster  Before
4/27/2024VAGOkertDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024VAGSchneiderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/27/2024VAGValdez,EPromoted to active roster  Before
4/28/2024SLGBaderPromoted to active roster  Before
4/29/2024SMSArroyoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024BRORoblesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024CLELoftinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024COMAbbott,APromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024COMArmstrongPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024COMBaileyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024COMBiggioDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024COMBiggioPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024COMCampusanoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024COMGoreDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024COMJulienDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024COMMiller,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024COMTopaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024COMWallnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024DRIChargoisPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024DRICordero,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024DRIFordDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024DRIGiolitoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024DRIJackson,APromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024DRIMatzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024DRIPachePromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024DRIToussaintDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024DSXAndrusDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024DSXCabrera,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024DSXClementDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024DSXClementPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024DSXHarrison,KPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024DSXKershawPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024DSXSanchez,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024DSXSosa,EPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024DUTBummerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024DUTBummerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024DUTDarvishPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024DUTHudson,DakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024DUTMasseyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024DUTMcGoughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024DUTMcMillonPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024DUTMullinsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024DUTRaley,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024DUTSoderstromDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024DUTSoriano,JPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024DUTWallsPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024INPHarris II,MPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024INPRojas,JoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024INPStoryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024PINBaddooPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024PINBarlow,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024PINBrazobanPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024PINDuran,JaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024PINEovaldiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024PINLodoloPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024PINLucchesiPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024PINMaldonadoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024PINMcLainDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024PINPallanteDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024PINPruittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024PINRosenbergDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024PINSchreiberPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024PINShawPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024PINWong,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024REBAbreu,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024REBHarveyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024REBSborzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024REBStrahmPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024REBWinn,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024REBWinn,KPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024SCOGelofDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SCOGelofPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024SCOHamilton,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SCOHanigerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024SCOJimenez,JPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024SCOMateoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SCOMateoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024SCOSanchez,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SEAMarsh,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SEAO'HearnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SEAO'HearnPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024SEAReaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SEAUrquidyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024SLGAnderson,NPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024SLGAnderson,TyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024SLGBaderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SLGBurlesonPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024SLGGomberPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024SLGLittellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SLGRasmussenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SLGRomeroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SLGVottoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SMSArroyoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SPCAssadDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SPCHeaneyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024SPCNelson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SPCWoodPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024STOBoruckiPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024STOPerdomo,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SYNBanksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SYNBattenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SYNFelipeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024SYNHampsonPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024SYNHolmesPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024SYNRobertson,DPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024SYNSkubalPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024SYNWells,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024VAGAlexander,TPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024VAGBlanco,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024VAGCaratiniDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024VAGMcGuirePromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024VAGOberPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024VAGOlson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024VAGPeterson,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/3/2024VAGSchneiderPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024VAGSlaterPromoted to active roster  Before
5/3/2024VAGYatesPlaced on Injured List 5/4/2024Before
5/4/2024BROHall,DLPromoted to active roster  Before
5/5/2024CLELoftinPromoted to active roster  Before
5/5/2024DUTHudson,DakPromoted to active roster  Before
5/5/2024EMPWalterPromoted to active roster  Before
5/5/2024STOMarte,NPromoted to active roster  Before
5/6/2024BROAmaya,MPromoted to active roster  Before
5/6/2024STOMarte,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/7/2024DUTCastro,MIPromoted to active roster  Before
5/7/2024STOJarvisPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024COMAndujarPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024COMArmstrongDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024COMMiller,MPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024COMMiller,SPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024COMTopaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024DEMBrown,HPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024DEMHendricksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024DRIAlexander,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024DRIFrancis,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024DRIGreenPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024DRIQuintanaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024DRITonkinPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024DRIWachaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024DSXJankowskiPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024DSXMcCormickDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024DSXMunozDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024DSXMunozPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024DSXMurfeeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024DSXSwanson,EPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024DUTBelloDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024DUTHudson,DakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024DUTLangeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024DUTMargotPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024DUTMarquezPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024DUTMasseyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024DUTMullinsPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024DUTNootbaarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024DUTPerkinsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024DUTPfaadtDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024DUTPfaadtPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024DUTVierlingPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024EMPLiberatorePromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024EMPLylesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024EMPWalterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024FIHBieberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024FIHBryantPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024FIHLugoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024FIHMcClanahan,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024FIHSaucedoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024FIHSeverinoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024FIHThompson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024FIHUrshelaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024PHOAbreu,WDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024PHORojas,MPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024PINBarlow,SPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024PINLodoloDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024PINLodoloPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024PINLucchesiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024PINMay,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024PINMcLainPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024PINMollPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024PINPruittPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024PINSchreiberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024PINSoto,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024REBBrown,SPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024REBCleavingerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024REBFunderburkPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024REBHarveyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024REBLewis,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024REBMeadows,PDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024REBRomanoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024REBSandovalPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024REBStrahmPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024REBTaillonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024REBWhitlockPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024REBWinn,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024SCOCoxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024SCOFulmer,MPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024SCOGonsolinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024SCOJimenez,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024SCOLynchPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024SCOMoore,MaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024SEABaker,BPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024SEABethancourtPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024SEAGomesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024SEALeiterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024SEAReaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024SEAUrquidyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024SLGBaderPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024SLGBurlesonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024SPCAssadPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024SPCGreene,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024SPCGurriel,YPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024SPCHelsleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024SPCMarsh,APromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024SPCMatosDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024STOHoffmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024STOHoffmanPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024STOKelly,CPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024STOPintoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024STOWinderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGAdams,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGBlackmonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGBlackmonPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGBradfordDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGBrieskeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGCapelPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGCaratiniPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGDalbecPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGGarrett,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGMcGuireDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGOberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGOlson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGOlson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGPasquantinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGPeterson,JPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGRivasPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGSchneiderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGSlaterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGWaldronPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGYatesActivated from Injured List  Before
5/9/2024VAGZavalaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/9/2024VAGZerpaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/10/2024SYNMejia,FPromoted to active roster  Before
5/11/2024COMAndujarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/11/2024PINSchreiberPromoted to active roster  Before
5/12/2024SEALeiterPromoted to active roster  Before
5/12/2024SPCArozarenaPlaced on Injured List 5/13/2024Before
5/12/2024SPCAssadPlaced on Injured List 5/10/2024Before
5/12/2024SPCCuasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/12/2024SPCCuasPromoted to active roster  Before
5/12/2024SPCCuasPromoted to active roster  Before
5/12/2024SPCHelsleyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/12/2024SPCMarsh,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/12/2024SPCMatosPromoted to active roster  Before
5/13/2024COMTopaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/13/2024INPBielakPromoted to active roster  Before
5/13/2024SEAO'HearnPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024BROMahlePromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024BROVelasquezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024COMArmstrongPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024COMMiller,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024COMMiller,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024DRIAlexander,SPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024DRIBarreroPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024DRIChargoisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024DRIGalloDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024DRIMatzPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024DRIMileyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024DRIParedesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024DRIStewart,DJPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024DRIToussaintPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024DRIVerlanderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024DUTBelloPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024DUTBrashDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024DUTBummerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024DUTCastro,MIDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024DUTLangePromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024DUTMargotDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024DUTMarquezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024DUTMcGoughPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024DUTMcMillonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024DUTNootbaarPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024DUTPalenciaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024DUTRaley,BPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024DUTRendonPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024DUTWallsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024DUTWicksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024DUTWicksPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024EMPLiberatoreDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024EMPLylesPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024FORAmaya,JReleased  Before
5/15/2024FORWells,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024FORWynnsSigned  Before
5/15/2024FORWynnsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024FORWynnsPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024INPBielakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024PHOMauricioDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024PHOMiller,BoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024PHOPerazaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024PHOWinansDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024PINBarlow,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024PINBrazobanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024PINGray,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024PINLucchesiPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024PINMay,TPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024PINMcLainDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024PINMollDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024PINPallantePromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024PINPruittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024PINRosenbergPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024PINSchreiberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024PINSorokaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024PINSoto,GPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024REBCleavingerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024REBFunderburkDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024REBLewis,RPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024REBWestburgDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SCOGipson-LongPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SCOHamilton,IPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SCOHanigerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SCOLorenzenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SCOMateoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SCOStephenson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SEABethancourtDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SEABrantleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SEABrantleyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SEADominguez,SPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SEAEdmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SEAFrazier,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SEAFrazier,APromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SEAGomesPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SEAGrichukDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SEAGrichukPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SEALarnachDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SEAMarsh,BPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SEAO'HearnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SEAO'HearnPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SEAPaxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SEAPaxtonPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SEARagansPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SEAReaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SEASuarez,RoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SEAVasquez,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SEAVasquez,RPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SEAVogelbachDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SLGGomberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SLGJones,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SLGKarinchakReleased  Before
5/15/2024SLGLatzSigned  Before
5/15/2024SLGLatzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SLGLatzPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SLGLittellPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SLGMoretaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SLGVottoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SMSCastro,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SMSTrioloPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SPCAdams,JPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SPCArozarenaActivated from Injured List  Before
5/15/2024SPCAssadActivated from Injured List  Before
5/15/2024SPCAssadDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SPCBurkePromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SPCGreene,HPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SPCIsbelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SPCJackson,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SPCMaedaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SPCMarsh,APromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024STOJarvisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024STOKelly,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024STOPedersonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024STOPedersonPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024STOPintoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024STORosario,EdDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024STORosario,EdPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024STOTroutPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024STOWinderPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SYNAguilarPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SYNFelipePromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024SYNJansen,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SYNMartiniDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024SYNRobertson,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024VAGAdams,RPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024VAGAlexander,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024VAGBlanco,DPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024VAGBradfordPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024VAGBrieskePromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024VAGCapelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024VAGDalbecDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024VAGOberPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024VAGPasquantinoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024VAGRaley,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024VAGSlaterPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/2024VAGWaldronDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024VAGZavalaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/2024VAGZerpaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/17/2024PHOPeguero,LPromoted to active roster  Before
5/19/2024CLEBradley,TPromoted to active roster  Before
5/19/2024FORDiaz,JoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/19/2024SLGJones,NPromoted to active roster  Before
5/19/2024VAGAlexander,TPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/2024EMPLylesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/2024EMPLylesPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/2024PEASmith-ShawverPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/2024SLGBaderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/2024SLGBurlesonPromoted to active roster  Before
5/20/2024SLGCarlsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/2024SLGKelly,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/2024SLGLatzReleased  Before
5/20/2024SLGLittellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/2024SLGMcGeeSigned  Before
5/20/2024SLGMoretaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024BROMahleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024BRORodriguez,GPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024CLEEdwards,XPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024COMArmstrongDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024COMMiller,MPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024COMMiller,SPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024COMWilson,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DEMBachmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DEMBachmanPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DEMBrown,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DEMErcegDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DEMFryPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DEMFryPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DEMHendricksPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DEMMlodzinskiPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DEMMurphy,SActivated from Injured List  Before
5/21/2024DEMMurphy,SPlaced on Injured List 5/22/2024Before
5/21/2024DEMNerisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DEMPresslyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DRIBarreroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DRIChargoisPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DRICordero,JPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DRIFordPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DRIGalloPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DRIGreenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DRIMatzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DRIMileyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DRIParedesPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DRIQuintanaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DRISolerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DRIStewart,DJDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DRITonkinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DRIToussaintDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DRIVerlanderPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DRIWachaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DSXBlackburnPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DSXKershawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DUTBrashPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DUTBummerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DUTBummerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DUTCastro,MIPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DUTHudson,DakPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DUTKikuchiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DUTPalenciaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DUTPerkinsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DUTPerkinsPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024DUTRendonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DUTSoriano,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024DUTWallsPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024EMPDonaldsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024EMPSeguraPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024FIHFrance,JPDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024FIHGallegosDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024FIHMcClanahan,SPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024FIHSaucedoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024FIHUrshelaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024FORCurryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024FORDiaz,JoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024FORSalePromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024FORTrevinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024FORWells,APromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024PHOPeguero,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024PINBarlow,SPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024PINDunningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024PINEovaldiPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024PINGray,SPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024PINLodoloDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024PINLucchesiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024PINMollPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024PINRosenbergDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024PINSorokaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024PINStromanPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024REBAbramsPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024REBBrown,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024REBCleavingerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024REBGlasnowDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024REBGlasnowPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024REBRomanoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024REBSborzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024REBTaillonPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024REBWhitlockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024REBWinn,KPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024RLFLivelyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024RLFManningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024SCOCoxPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024SCODiekmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024SCOHamilton,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024SCOJimenez,JPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024SEABethancourtPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024SEAEdmanPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024SEAFrazier,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024SEAGarrett,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024SEAGomesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024SEAPaxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024SEARagansDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024SEAReaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024SEASuarez,RoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024SEAUrquidyPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024SLGLatzReleased  Before
5/21/2024SLGMcGeeSigned  Before
5/21/2024SLGMcGeeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024SPCAdams,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024SPCAssadPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024SPCColasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024SPCIsbelPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024SPCMatosDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024STOBoruckiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024STOFeltnerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024STOMortonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024STOPerdomo,APromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024STOTroutDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024SYNAguilarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024SYNAguilarPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024SYNFelipeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024SYNJansen,DPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024SYNMejia,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024SYNRobertson,DPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024VAGEspinalDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024VAGNardiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/21/2024VAGRaley,LPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024VAGSchneiderPromoted to active roster  Before
5/21/2024VAGSlaterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/22/2024COMWallnerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/22/2024SPCJackson,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/22/2024SPCJackson,LPromoted to active roster  Before
5/22/2024SPCJackson,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/22/2024SPCJackson,LPromoted to active roster  Before
5/25/2024CLEBradley,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/25/2024CLEEdwards,XDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/2024PINBaddooDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/2024PINCronDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/2024PINDunningPromoted to active roster  Before
5/26/2024PINDuran,JaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/26/2024PINFreelandDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/2024PINMcLainPromoted to active roster  Before
5/26/2024PINPallanteDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/2024PINSchreiberPromoted to active roster  Before
5/26/2024PINVazquezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/26/2024PINWong,CPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024BROKopechDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024BROMahlePromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024CLEBradley,TPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024CLECivaleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024COMArmstrongPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024COMMiller,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024COMMiller,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024COMWallnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024COMWilson,SPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DRIFordDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DRIGreenPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DRIJackson,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DRIMatzPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DRIRobertDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DRISimsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DRISolerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DRIStratton,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DRITonkinPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DRIToussaintPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DRIWachaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DRIWinkerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DSXBlackburnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DSXCabrera,EPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DSXDanielSigned  Before
5/27/2024DSXDanielDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DSXDanielPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DSXHarrison,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DSXHouckDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DSXKershawPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DSXMurfeeReleased  Before
5/27/2024DSXSanchez,CPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DSXStewart,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DUTBummerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DUTChavisSigned  Before
5/27/2024DUTChavisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DUTDarvishDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DUTHudson,DakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DUTKikuchiPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DUTLopez,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DUTMargotPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DUTMcGoughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DUTMcHughSigned  Before
5/27/2024DUTMcHughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DUTMcHughPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DUTMcMillonReleased  Before
5/27/2024DUTPalenciaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DUTPhillips,CPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024DUTRaley,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024DUTRendonReleased  Before
5/27/2024DUTWallsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024FIHDevenskiPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024FIHFrance,JPPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024FIHMcClanahan,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024FIHNewmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024FIHSaucedoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024FORTrevinoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024FORWells,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024PHOCecconiPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024PHOLoaisigaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024PHOMauricioPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024PHOPerazaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024PHORyuDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024PHOWooPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024REBAbramsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024REBAbramsPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024REBAbramsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024REBCronenworthDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024REBMeadows,PPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024REBSandovalDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024REBSborzPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024REBWestburgPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024REBWhite,BPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024REBWinn,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024REBWinn,KPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024REBWinn,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024SCOCoxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024SCODiekmanPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024SCOGelofDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024SCOHanigerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024SCOJimenez,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024SCOSanchez,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024SCOSanchez,GPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024SCOStephenson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024SEAAlvarez,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024SEAGomesPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024SEARagansPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024SEAUrquidyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024SLGBrebbiaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024SLGDeJongDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024SLGEllisSigned  Before
5/27/2024SLGHaderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024SLGKelly,JPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024SLGMcGeeReleased  Before
5/27/2024SLGVarland,LPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024SPCHelsleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024SPCMaedaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024SPCMarsh,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024STOBoruckiPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024STOFeltnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024STOGarcia,RoPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024STOMortonPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024STOMusgrovePromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024STOPedersonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024STOPerdomo,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024STORosario,EdDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024STORosario,EdPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024STOTeheranDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024STOThompson,ZDDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024STOTroutPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024SYNManaeaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024SYNWells,TPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024VAGAlexander,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024VAGBlanco,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024VAGCaratiniDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024VAGEspinalPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024VAGGarrett,SPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024VAGNardiPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024VAGRaley,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024VAGSlaterPromoted to active roster  Before
5/27/2024VAGValdez,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/27/2024VAGZavalaPromoted to active roster  Before
5/29/2024DUTChavisPromoted to active roster  Before
5/29/2024DUTWallsPromoted to active roster  Before
5/29/2024FIHNewmanPromoted to active roster  Before
5/30/2024BROMadrigalPromoted to active roster  Before
5/30/2024EMPRodriguez,EnPromoted to active roster  Before
5/31/2024REBAbramsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/31/2024REBAbramsPromoted to active roster  Before
5/31/2024REBCronenworthPromoted to active roster  Before
5/31/2024SCOGelofPromoted to active roster  Before
6/1/2024RLFLopez,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/1/2024RLFUrias,LPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024BROKopechPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024BROMahleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024CLELoftinPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024COMBiggioDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024COMJulienPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024COMMiller,MPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024COMMiller,SPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024COMStantonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024COMTopaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024COMWallnerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024COMWilson,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DEMMlodzinskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DEMNerisPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024DEMOrtiz,LLDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DEMQuantrillPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024DRIBarreroPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024DRIDe Los Santos,YDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DRIFrancoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DRIGreenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DRIJackson,APromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024DRIPacheDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DRIRobertPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024DRISimsPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024DRISolerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DRIStewart,DJPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024DSXBernardinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DSXChavezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DSXFergusonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024DSXHouckPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024DSXJankowskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DSXJunisPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024DSXLocastroPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024DSXSanchez,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DUTBrashDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DUTBummerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DUTDarvishPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024DUTHudson,DakPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024DUTLopez,RPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024DUTMargotDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DUTMcHughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DUTPalenciaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DUTPfaadtDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DUTPhillips,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DUTRaley,BPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024DUTSoriano,JPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024DUTWallsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024DUTWicksPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024EMPDonaldsonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024EMPPalacios,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024EMPRodriguez,EnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024EMPSeguraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024EMPWiselyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024FIHFrance,JPDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024FIHMcClanahan,SPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024FIHUrshelaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024FORBledayDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024FORBledayPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024FORSchmittPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024FORVelazquez,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024PEAFlemingDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024PEAWeathersPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024PHOBickfordSigned  Before
6/3/2024PHOBickfordDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024PHOBickfordPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024PHOCecconiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024PHOGonzalez,OSigned  Before
6/3/2024PHOGonzalez,ODemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024PHOGonzalez,OPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024PHOLoaisigaReleased  Before
6/3/2024PHOMauricioDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024PHORyuReleased  Before
6/3/2024PINBaddooPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024PINBrazobanPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024PINDunningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024PINEovaldiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024PINFreelandPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024PINFrelickDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024PINGray,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024PINLucchesiPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024PINMaldonadoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024PINMeansPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024PINMollDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024PINPruittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024PINPruittPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024PINRosenbergPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024PINShawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024PINVazquezPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024REBAbramsPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024REBAbreu,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024REBAdcockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024REBAdcockPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024REBBouchardPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024REBBuxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024REBBuxtonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024REBGlasnowDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024REBLewis,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024REBMeadows,PDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024REBRomanoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024REBSandovalPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024REBWestburgDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024REBWhitlockPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024REBWinn,KPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024RLFLopez,NPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SCOCoxPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SCOGipson-LongDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SCOGipson-LongPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SCOHamilton,IPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SCOLorenzenPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SCOLynchDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SCOMateoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SCOMoore,MaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SCOStephenson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SEAAlvarez,FPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SEABethancourtDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SEACabrera,OPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SEACabrera,OPlaced on Injured List 6/4/2024Before
6/3/2024SEAFrazier,APromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SEAGarrett,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SEAGarrett,APromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SEAHarperDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SEAHendersonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SEAHendersonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SEALarnachPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SEAPaxtonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SEARagansDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SEASeagerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SEASuarez,RoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SEAUrquidyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SEAUrquidyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SEAVogelbachPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SLGAnderson,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SLGBaderPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SLGBrebbiaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SLGEllisReleased  Before
6/3/2024SLGHaderPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SLGHigashiokaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SLGKeller,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SLGLittellPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SLGRasmussenPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SLGRomeroPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SLGSullivanSigned  Before
6/3/2024SLGVarland,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SLGVarland,LPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SPCHelsleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SPCHelsleyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SPCMaedaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SPCMartinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SPCRobertson,NPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SPCSilsethPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNAguilarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNAlcantaraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNAlcantaraPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNBanksPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNBattenPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNBoydPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNClevingerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNFaedoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNFaedoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNFelipePromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNFlahertyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNFlahertyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNFlahertyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNHampsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNHolmesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNIbanezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNJansen,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNKeplerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNManaeaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNMartiniPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNMejia,FPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNMitchell,GPromoted to active roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNSkubalDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/3/2024SYNWells,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/4/2024FORBrujanPromoted to active roster  Before
6/4/2024PHOFriedPromoted to active roster  Before
6/5/2024COMTopaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/5/2024DUTPerkinsPromoted to active roster  Before
6/5/2024PEASmith-ShawverPromoted to active roster  Before
6/5/2024VAGAlexander,TPromoted to active roster  Before
6/5/2024VAGOberPlaced on Injured List 6/6/2024Before
6/6/2024CLELoftinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/6/2024DRIFrancoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/7/2024PINCronPromoted to active roster  Before
6/7/2024PINEovaldiPromoted to active roster  Before
6/7/2024PINGray,SPromoted to active roster  Before
6/7/2024PINLucchesiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/7/2024PINMaldonadoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/7/2024PINMcLainDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/7/2024PINMeansDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/7/2024PINRosenbergDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/7/2024PINSorokaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/7/2024PINVazquezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/8/2024BROHeywardTraded awaySPC After
6/8/2024BROLaureanoTraded awaySPC After
6/8/2024SPCDiaz,AledReleased  Before
6/8/2024SPCLaureanoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/8/2024SPCSmith,PReleased  Before
6/8/2024SPCHeywardAcquired via tradeBRO After
6/8/2024SPCLaureanoAcquired via tradeBRO After
6/9/2024BROKopechDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024BROManoahPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024BROSheetsSigned  Before
6/9/2024BROSheetsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024BROWendleSigned  Before
6/9/2024COMArmstrongDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024COMGermanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024COMGorePromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024COMMiller,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024COMWilson,SPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024DEMFryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DEMKimbrelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DEMMlodzinskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DEMMlodzinskiPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024DEMMlodzinskiPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024DRIBarreroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DRIdeGromPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024DRIGiolitoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DRIMatzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DRIQuintanaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024DRISolerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024DRIToussaintDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DRIWachaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024DRIWinkerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DSXBlackburnPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024DSXCabrera,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DSXJankowskiPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024DSXLocastroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DSXMcCarthyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DSXMcCormickPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024DUTBrashPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024DUTCastro,MIDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DUTDuvallDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DUTHudson,DakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DUTMarquezPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024DUTMcHughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DUTMcHughPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024DUTMcHughPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024DUTPalenciaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024DUTPerkinsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DUTSoriano,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024DUTWallsPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024DUTWicksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024EMPAnderson,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024EMPDonaldsonReleased  Before
6/9/2024EMPSeguraPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024EMPSmith,DrSigned  Before
6/9/2024FIHBieberPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024FIHSeverinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024FORBrujanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024FORLambert,PPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024FORPerez,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024FORSchmittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024FORSchmittPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024INPAriasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024INPStoryPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024PEAButtoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024PEACortesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024PEARodriguez,EdDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024PEASuarez,RaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024REBAbreu,BPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024REBBouchardDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024REBBuxtonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024REBFunderburkPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024REBGlasnowPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024REBHarveyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024REBLewis,RPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024REBLowe,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024REBTaillonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024REBWhitlockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SCOFulmer,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SCOGipson-LongReleased  Before
6/9/2024SCOHanigerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SCOLynchPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SCOMateoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SCOStaumontSigned  Before
6/9/2024SEABethancourtPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SEABrantleyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SEABubicPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SEACabrera,OActivated from Injured List  Before
6/9/2024SEAGarrett,APromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SEAGomesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SEAHendersonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SEAHernandez,CPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SEALarnachDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SEAPaxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SEAThielbarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SEAVerHagenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SLGAnderson,NPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SLGBrebbiaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SLGKeller,MPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SLGKelly,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SLGMoretaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SLGRasmussenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SLGVarland,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SMSPerez,MaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SMSRodonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SPCAssadDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SPCBurkeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SPCHelsleyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SPCIsbelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SPCLaureanoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SPCMaedaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SPCMarsh,APromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SPCNelson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SPCSilsethDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SPCWoodDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024STOBoruckiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024STOThompson,ZDPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SYNAlcantaraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SYNClevingerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SYNFaedoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SYNFelipeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024SYNIbanezPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024SYNWisdomDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024VAGAdams,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024VAGAdams,RPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024VAGBlanco,DPromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024VAGGarrett,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024VAGMantiplyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/9/2024VAGMcGuirePromoted to active roster  Before
6/9/2024VAGOberActivated from Injured List  Before
6/10/2024DSXCasaliPromoted to active roster  Before
6/11/2024VAGMantiplyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/12/2024SEASeagerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/12/2024VAGCapelPromoted to active roster  Before
6/13/2024DEMFryPromoted to active roster  Before
6/13/2024SEAUrquidyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/2024PINBaddooDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/14/2024PINBrazobanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/14/2024PINCronDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/14/2024PINDunningPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/2024PINFreelandDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/14/2024PINFrelickPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/2024PINIrvin,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/14/2024PINLucchesiPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/2024PINMcLainPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/2024PINPruittPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/2024PINReyes,PDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/14/2024PINReyes,PPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/2024PINRosenbergPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/2024PINSchreiberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/14/2024PINShawPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/2024PINSoto,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/14/2024REBAbreu,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/14/2024REBBrown,SPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/2024REBBuxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/14/2024REBCleavingerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/2024REBFunderburkDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/14/2024REBHarveyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/2024REBLewis,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/14/2024REBLowe,NPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/2024REBRomanoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/14/2024REBRomanoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/2024REBStrahmDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/14/2024REBTaillonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/2024REBWhitlockPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/2024REBWinn,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024BROAmaya,MPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024BROKopechPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024BROMurphy,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024BROO'HoppeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024COMArmstrongPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024COMNaylor,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024COMStantonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024COMVientosPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024COMWallnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024COMWilson,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024DEMBrown,HPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024DEMErcegPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024DEMHendricksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024DEMKimbrelPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024DEMMlodzinskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024DEMMlodzinskiPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024DEMNerisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024DEMPresslyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024DEMUribeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024DSXCasaliDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024DSXDe Los Santos,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024DSXStewart,BPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024FIHBieberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024FIHSaucedoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024FIHSeverinoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024FIHThompson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024PHODuran,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024PHOFriedDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024PHOPerazaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024PINMollPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024PINSorokaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SCOCoxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SCOCruz,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SCOGarcia,YDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SCOGelofDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SCOJimenez,JPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SCOKirilloffDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SCOKirilloffPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SCOLynchDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SCOMoore,MaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SCOSanchez,GPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SCOSheehanPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SCOStephenson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SEABrantleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SEABubicDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SEABushPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SEADominguez,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SEAEdmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SEAHaggertyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SEAHarperPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SEAVogelbachDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SLGAnderson,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SLGBrebbiaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SLGBurlesonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SLGKelly,JPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SLGMoretaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SLGPerez,CJSigned  Before
6/15/2024SLGSullivanReleased  Before
6/15/2024SLGToroPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SPCGreene,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SPCSilsethPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024STODonovanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024STOGarcia,RoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024STOKelly,CPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024STOMarte,NPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024STOMusgroveDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024STOPedersonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024STOPerdomo,APromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024STOPintoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024STOTeheranPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024STOTroutDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SYNAguilarPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SYNBattenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SYNHolmesPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SYNJackson,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SYNJansen,DPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SYNKeplerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SYNMartiniDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SYNMejia,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SYNMitchell,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SYNMitchell,GPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024SYNRenfroeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024SYNWisdomPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024VAGAdams,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024VAGBlanco,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024VAGCapelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024VAGOberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/15/2024VAGOlson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024VAGRaley,LPromoted to active roster  Before
6/15/2024VAGThorntonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/16/2024DEMAluPromoted to active roster  Before
6/16/2024DEMNerisPromoted to active roster  Before
6/16/2024EMPRodriguez,EnPromoted to active roster  Before
6/16/2024VAGThorntonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/18/2024DSXClementPromoted to active roster  Before
6/19/2024BROWallachPromoted to active roster  Before
6/19/2024EMPRodriguez,EnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/19/2024SEAHendersonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/19/2024VAGTenaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/20/2024PINBarlow,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/20/2024PINBrazobanPromoted to active roster  Before
6/20/2024PINMaldonadoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/20/2024PINPallantePromoted to active roster  Before
6/20/2024PINPruittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/20/2024PINRosenbergDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/20/2024PINSchreiberPromoted to active roster  Before
6/20/2024PINShawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/20/2024PINSoto,GPromoted to active roster  Before
6/20/2024PINVazquezPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024BRODiaz,AledSigned  Before
6/22/2024BRODiaz,AledDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024BRODiaz,AledPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024BROMurphy,CReleased  Before
6/22/2024BROWallachDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024BROWendleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024CLELoftinPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024COMAndujarPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024COMArmstrongDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024COMCarpenter,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024COMGonzales,NPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024COMHicks,APromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024COMJulienDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024COMMeyersDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024COMWilson,SPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024DEMAluDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DEMBrown,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DEMFryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DEMHendricksPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024DEMKimbrelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DEMMlodzinskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DEMPresslyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024DEMUribePromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024DRIBidoSigned  Before
6/22/2024DRIBidoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DRIChargoisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DRICordero,JPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024DRIFrancis,BPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024DRIJackson,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DRIMatzPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024DRIMeadows,AReleased  Before
6/22/2024DRIQuintanaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DSXBernardinoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024DSXClementDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DSXConfortoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DSXConfortoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024DSXJudgeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DSXKessingerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024DSXLocastroPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024DSXMunozDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DSXPolancoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DSXStewart,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DSXVinesPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024DUTBummerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024DUTFlorialDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DUTIglesiasPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024DUTMcHughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DUTPhillips,CPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024DUTSoriano,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024DUTWicksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024FORBledayPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024FORHerrera,JSigned  Before
6/22/2024FORMonasterioReleased  Before
6/22/2024FORTrevinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024INPBaePromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024REBAbramsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024REBAbramsPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024REBAbreu,BPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024REBArciaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024REBCleavingerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024REBLewis,RPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024REBRomanoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024REBSandovalDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024REBSandovalPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024REBStrahmPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024REBWestburgPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024REBWhite,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024REBWhitlockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024REBWiemerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024RLFButlerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024RLFHill,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024RLFPeralta,DPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024RLFPriesterPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024RLFSanchez,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024RLFThomas,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SCOCruz,FPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SCOGarcia,YPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SCOGelofPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SCOHamilton,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SCOHanigerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SCOHanigerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SCOJimenez,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SCOMcArthurPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SCOSanchez,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SCOStaumontDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SEABaker,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SEABaker,BPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SEABushDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SEADominguez,SPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SEAEdmanPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SEAHaggertyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SEALarnachPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SEALeiterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SEAPaxtonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SEASeagerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SEATauchmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SEAUrquidyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SEAVerHagenPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SEAVogelbachPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SLGAnderson,NPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SLGAzocarSigned  Before
6/22/2024SLGBaderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SLGBurlesonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SLGGomberPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SLGHigashiokaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SLGIndiaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SLGKelly,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SLGLittellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SLGPerez,CJReleased  Before
6/22/2024SLGRodgersPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SLGToroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SLGVottoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SLGWinn,MPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SMSJamesonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SMSWantzPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SPCAssadPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SPCHelsleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024STOGarcia,DSigned  Before
6/22/2024STOWinderReleased  Before
6/22/2024SYNCampbellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SYNClevingerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SYNJimenez,DPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SYNMoncadaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SYNRenfroePromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SYNSkubalPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SYNVargas,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SYNVargas,IPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024SYNWisdomDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024SYNWisdomPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024VAGAdams,RPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024VAGAlexander,TReleased  Before
6/22/2024VAGBeltDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024VAGBibeeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024VAGBlanco,DPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024VAGBradfordDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024VAGBrieskeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024VAGDalbecReleased  Before
6/22/2024VAGEspinalDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024VAGOberPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024VAGPasquantinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024VAGPasquantinoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024VAGStefanicSigned  Before
6/22/2024VAGStefanicDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024VAGStrzeleckiSigned  Before
6/22/2024VAGTenaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/22/2024VAGTrejoReleased  Before
6/22/2024VAGValdez,EPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024VAGWaldronPromoted to active roster  Before
6/22/2024VAGWilliams,aSigned  Before
6/22/2024VAGZavalaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/23/2024SEASeagerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/23/2024SEATauchmanPromoted to active roster  Before
6/23/2024STODonovanPromoted to active roster  Before
6/23/2024VAGStefanicPromoted to active roster  Before
6/24/2024RLFBuschPromoted to active roster  Before
6/25/2024DEMFryPromoted to active roster  Before
6/27/2024COMArmstrongPromoted to active roster  Before
6/27/2024COMGermanPromoted to active roster  Before
6/27/2024COMGottDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/27/2024COMMiller,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/27/2024REBArciaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/27/2024REBCronenworthDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/27/2024RLFBuschDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/27/2024RLFButlerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024DEMBenintendiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024DEMBrown,HPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024DEMHendricksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024DRIChargoisPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024DRICordero,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024DRIJackson,APromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024DRIMatzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024DRISimsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024DRIToussaintPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024DSXFergusonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024DSXHarrison,KPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024DSXKershawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024DSXMunozPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024DUTBrashDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024DUTBummerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024DUTDarvishDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024DUTHudson,DakPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024DUTMcGoughPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024DUTMcHughPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024DUTMullinsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024DUTPerkinsPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024DUTPfaadtPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024DUTPhillips,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024DUTRaley,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024DUTSoderstromPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024DUTSoriano,JPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024DUTWallsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024EMPJulksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024EMPKempDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024EMPNodaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024EMPPalacios,JPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024EMPRodriguez,EnPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024EMPSmith,JPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024INPBaeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024PEAHenryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024PEAWilliams,GPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024PHOArraezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024PHOPeguero,LPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024PINBaddooPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024PINFrelickDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024PINMollDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024PINPruittPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024PINRosenbergPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024PINSoto,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024REBBuxtonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024REBFunderburkPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024REBGlasnowDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024REBLewis,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024REBSborzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024REBWestburgDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024REBWhite,BPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024REBWiemerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SCOCoxPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SCOHamilton,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SCOHamilton,IPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SCOHanigerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SCOMateoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SCOMoore,MaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SEAAlvarez,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SEABaker,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SEABaker,BPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SEABaumannDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SEAGarrett,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SEAGomesPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SEAPaxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SEASeagerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SEASuarez,RoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SEATauchmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SEAUrquidyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SLGAlvarez,YDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SLGAnderson,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SLGBrebbiaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SLGCarlsonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SLGCarpenter,MPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SLGDeJongPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SLGKelly,JPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SLGMoretaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SLGWalker,JorDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SLGWard,TaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SPCCalhoun,WPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SPCGreene,HPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SPCMatosPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SPCPocheDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SPCReynolds,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SPCSilsethDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024STOBellingerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024STODonovanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024STOKelly,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024STOKelly,CPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024STOMarte,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024STOMarte,NPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024STOPintoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024STOYoung,JSPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SYNBanksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SYNBanksPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SYNClevingerPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SYNFaedoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SYNFaedoPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SYNFlahertyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SYNHampsonPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SYNJimenez,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SYNMitchell,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SYNMoncadaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024SYNRenfroeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024SYNWells,TPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024VAGBeltPromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024VAGBrieskePromoted to active roster  Before
6/28/2024VAGNardiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024VAGPasquantinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024VAGScherzerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024VAGSchneiderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/2024VAGZerpaPromoted to active roster  Before
6/29/2024BROSheetsPromoted to active roster  Before
6/30/2024STOKelly,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/1/2024PEAMeadPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2024REBSborzPromoted to active roster  Before
7/1/2024SEASeagerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024BROAmaya,MPlaced on Injured List 7/5/2024Before
7/4/2024BROWallachPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024COMAndujarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024COMGottPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024COMMiller,SPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024COMSosa,LPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024COMTopaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024COMWilson,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DEMBrown,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DEMHendricksPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DEMKimbrelPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DEMUribeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DRIFrancis,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DRIGreenPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DRISimsPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DRIStratton,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DSXAndrusPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DSXBlackburnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DSXCabrera,EPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DSXDanielDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DSXDe Los Santos,EPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DSXHouckDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DSXKershawPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DSXKessingerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DSXLocastroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DSXMcCarthyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DSXMcCormickDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DSXPolancoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DUTBrashPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DUTChavisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DUTDarvishPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DUTDuvallPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DUTHudson,DakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DUTMasseyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DUTMcGoughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DUTMullinsPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DUTPalenciaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DUTPerkinsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DUTRaley,BPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024DUTSoderstromDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DUTSoriano,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024DUTWallsPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024EMPAnderson,BPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024EMPNodaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024EMPRodriguez,EnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024EMPWiselyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024FIHAnderson,TiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024FIHFrance,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024FIHMenesesPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024FIHUrshelaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024PEAO'NeillDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024PEATrammellPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024PHOBarnes,ASigned  Before
7/4/2024PHOBarnes,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024PHOBarnes,APromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024PHODuran,EPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024PHORamirez,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024PHOStallingsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024PHOWinansReleased  Before
7/4/2024PINBaddooDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024PINBarlow,SPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024PINCronPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024PINDruryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024PINFrelickPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024PINIrvin,JPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024PINLucchesiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024PINMaldonadoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024PINMay,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024PINMollPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024PINPallanteDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024PINPruittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024PINRosenbergDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024PINShawPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024PINSoto,GPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024PINVazquezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024REBAbramsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024REBArciaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024REBArciaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024REBBrown,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024REBBuxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024REBFunderburkDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024REBGlasnowPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024REBLewis,RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024REBMeadows,PPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024REBSborzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024REBWestburgPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024RLFBuschPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024RLFUrias,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SCOCoxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SCOCruz,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SCOGarcia,YDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SCOGelofDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SCOHamilton,IPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SCOJimenez,JPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SCOKirilloffDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SCOKirilloffPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SCOLynchPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SCOMateoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SCOMoore,MaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SCOPeralta,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SCOSanchez,GPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SCOStaumontPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SCOStephenson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SCOSuwinskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SEABaker,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SEABushPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SEAEdmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SEARagansPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SEAUrquidyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SLGAnderson,TyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SLGAzocarReleased  Before
7/4/2024SLGBaderPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SLGCarpenter,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SLGCarpenter,MPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SLGJungDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SLGKolarekSigned  Before
7/4/2024SLGLittellPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SLGRomeroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SLGVarland,LPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SLGWalker,JorPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SLGWalker,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SPCColasPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SPCHeaneyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SPCNelson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SPCReynolds,BPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024SPCSiriDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024SPCWoodPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024STOMusgrovePromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024STOUrias,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024VAGBeltDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024VAGBibeePromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024VAGBlanco,DReleased  Before
7/4/2024VAGCapelPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024VAGCaratiniPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024VAGDuffySigned  Before
7/4/2024VAGEspinalReleased  Before
7/4/2024VAGHilliardSigned  Before
7/4/2024VAGHilliardDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024VAGHilliardPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024VAGMcGuireDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024VAGMcKinneySigned  Before
7/4/2024VAGOberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024VAGPasquantinoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024VAGPeterson,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024VAGRendonSigned  Before
7/4/2024VAGRivasReleased  Before
7/4/2024VAGSlaterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/4/2024VAGSlaterPromoted to active roster  Before
7/4/2024VAGStratton,HSigned  Before
7/4/2024VAGThorntonReleased  Before
7/4/2024VAGValdez,EReleased  Before
7/4/2024VAGYastrzemskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/5/2024DUTWallsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/5/2024FORCurryPromoted to active roster  Before
7/6/2024COMTopaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/8/2024SEAEdmanPromoted to active roster  Before
7/9/2024FORGreene,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/9/2024FORGreene,RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024BROAmaya,MActivated from Injured List  Before
7/10/2024BROKelenicDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024BROWallachDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024COMCarpenter,KPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024COMGermanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024COMGonzales,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024COMGottDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024COMHicks,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024COMJulienPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024COMMeyersPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024COMNaylor,JPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024COMSosa,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024COMStantonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024COMVientosDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024COMWallnerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024COMWilson,SPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024DEMCalhoun,KSigned  Before
7/10/2024DEMCalhoun,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024DEMSaalfrankReleased  Before
7/10/2024DRIAlexander,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024DRIBidoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024DRIChargoisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024DRICordero,JPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024DRIFordPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024DRIFrancis,BPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024DRIGalloDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024DRIJackson,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024DRIMileyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024DRIStewart,DJDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024DRIStratton,CPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024DRIWinkerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024DSXHouckPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024DSXKershawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024DSXStewart,BPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024DSXSwanson,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024DUTBummerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024DUTDarvishDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024DUTDeversDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024DUTHeimDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024DUTHeimPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024DUTHudson,DakPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024DUTIglesiasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024DUTLopez,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024DUTMarte,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024DUTMcGoughPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024DUTPalenciaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024DUTSoderstromPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024DUTWallsPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024EMPCabrera,MReleased  Before
7/10/2024EMPDeSclafaniReleased  Before
7/10/2024EMPDuarteSigned  Before
7/10/2024EMPDuarteDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024EMPFalterPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024EMPHartwigSigned  Before
7/10/2024EMPHartwigDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024EMPJeffersDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024EMPRodriguez,EnPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024EMPSchanuelPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024FIHBasabePromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024FORBledayDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024FORDiaz,JoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024FORGreene,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024FORHerrera,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024FORMarlowePromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024FORPearsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024FORWells,APromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024PEABritoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024PEAKniznerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024PEAMailePromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024PEAMeadDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024PEASingerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024PINBrazobanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024PINFreelandPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024PINIrvin,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024PINPallantePromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024PINRosenbergPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024PINSoto,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024REBAbramsPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024REBCleavingerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024REBCoulombeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024REBMeadows,PDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SCOGelofDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SCOGelofPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024SCOHanigerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SCOStaumontDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SCOStephenson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024SCOSuwinskiPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024SEAAllen.LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SEAAlvarez,FPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024SEABaumannPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024SEABethancourtDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SEABrantleyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024SEABubicPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024SEABushDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SEAEdmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SEAGarrett,APromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024SEASuarez,RoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SEAVogelbachDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SLGKolarekReleased  Before
7/10/2024SLGStubbsSigned  Before
7/10/2024SLGStubbsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SMSPerez,MaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024SMSRodonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SPCCuasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SPCGreene,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SPCHeaneyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024SPCMarsh,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SPCNelson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024SPCPochePromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024SPCRogers,TyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SPCThompson,KPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024STOAdamDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024STODonovanPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024STOFeltnerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024STOGarcia,RoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024STOKelly,CPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024STOMarte,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024STOPintoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024STOThompson,ZDDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SYNAlcantaraPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024SYNCampbellReleased  Before
7/10/2024SYNClaseDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SYNFaedoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SYNFlahertyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024SYNHampsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SYNHolmesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SYNJackson,JReleased  Before
7/10/2024SYNLoveladySigned  Before
7/10/2024SYNLoveladyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SYNLoveladyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024SYNMartiniReleased  Before
7/10/2024SYNNewcombSigned  Before
7/10/2024SYNNewcombDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SYNNewcombPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024SYNSkubalDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SYNTrejoSigned  Before
7/10/2024SYNTrejoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024SYNTrejoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024VAGBibeeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024VAGOberPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024VAGOkertPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024VAGScherzerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/2024VAGStrzeleckiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/2024VAGZerpaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/12/2024BRORoblesPromoted to active roster  Before
7/12/2024INPBaePromoted to active roster  Before
7/13/2024REBBrown,SPromoted to active roster  Before
7/13/2024VAGStrzeleckiPromoted to active roster  Before
7/14/2024INPRamos,HelPromoted to active roster  Before
7/15/2024REBAdcockPromoted to active roster  Before
7/15/2024REBBrennanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/15/2024REBBuxtonPromoted to active roster  Before
7/15/2024REBCleavingerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/15/2024REBCoulombePromoted to active roster  Before
7/15/2024REBGlasnowDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/15/2024REBKahnleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/15/2024REBLewis,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/15/2024REBLewis,RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/15/2024REBSborzPromoted to active roster  Before
7/15/2024REBTaillonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/15/2024REBWestburgDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/15/2024REBWhitlockPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024BROBatyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024COMArmstrongDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024COMGermanPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024COMGottPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024COMHicks,APromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024COMMiller,MPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024COMRuiz,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024COMWilson,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024COMYarbroughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DEMBrown,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DEMFryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DEMMontgomeryPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DEMMurphy,SPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DEMRemillardPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DRIBidoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DRIChargoisPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DRIDe Los Santos,YPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DRIFordDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DRIFordPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DRIFrancis,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DRIGreenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DRIJackson,APromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DRIMarte,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DRIMileyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DRIPachePromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DRIQuintanaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DRIStewart,DJPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DRITonkinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DRIToussaintDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DRIWinkerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DSXBlackburnPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DSXChavezPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DSXHarrison,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DSXHouckDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DSXJankowskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DSXJudgePromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DSXJunisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DSXKershawPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DSXMcCormickPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DSXSosa,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DSXSwanson,EPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DSXVinesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DUTBummerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DUTDeversPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DUTDuvallDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DUTMargotPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DUTMarte,KPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DUTMullinsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DUTNootbaarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024DUTPerkinsPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DUTSoriano,JPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024DUTWallsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024EMPDuartePromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024EMPHartwigPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024EMPHollowellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024EMPJeffersPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024EMPRodriguez,EnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024EMPWard,ThDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024FIHAnderson,TiPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024FIHBasabeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024FIHBieberPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024FIHFrance,JPPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024FIHGallegosPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024FIHMartinez,JDDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024FIHMcClanahan,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024FIHSeverinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024FIHWoodruffDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024FORContrerasPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024FORGarrett,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024FORGreene,RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024FORJaxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024FORMarloweDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024FORPerez,EPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024FORRutledgePromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024FORSaleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024FORTrevinoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024FORWells,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024INPAriasPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024INPRamos,HelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024INPStoryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024INPTellezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024PEAButtoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024PEARodriguez,EdPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024PHOFriedPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024PHOWentzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024PINBaddooPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024PINCronDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024PINDruryPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024PINDuran,JaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024PINPruittPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024PINRosenbergDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024PINShawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024PINSoto,GPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SEAAllen.LPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SEABaumannDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024SEABubicDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024SEADominguez,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024SEAHaggertyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SEALarnachDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024SEALeiterPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SEAPaxtonPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SLGBaderPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SLGBrebbiaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SLGGomberPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SLGHaderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024SLGHigashiokaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024SLGIndiaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024SLGJungDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024SLGKittredgePromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SLGRasmussenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024SLGRodgersPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SLGRomeroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024SLGStubbsPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SLGVarland,LPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SLGWalker,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024SPCGreene,HPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SPCWoodDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024STOAdamPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024STOBellingerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024STOBoruckiPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024STOFeltnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024STOFeltnerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024STOGarcia,DReleased  Before
7/16/2024STOGarcia,RoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024STOKelly,MiSigned  Before
7/16/2024STOKelly,MiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024STOOdorSigned  Before
7/16/2024STOOdorDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024STORichardsonReleased  Before
7/16/2024STORosario,EdDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024STOTroutPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024STOUrias,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024STOUrias,JPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024STOYoung,JSDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024SYNClasePromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SYNFaedoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SYNFlahertyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024SYNHolmesPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SYNJimenez,DPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024SYNLoveladyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024SYNNewcombDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024SYNSandlinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024VAGCapelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024VAGFermin,JSigned  Before
7/16/2024VAGFermin,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024VAGFermin,JPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024VAGGarrett,SPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024VAGMantiplyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024VAGMcKinneyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024VAGNardiPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024VAGOkertDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024VAGPasquantinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024VAGPeterson,JPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024VAGRaley,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024VAGSchneiderPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024VAGStefanicReleased  Before
7/16/2024VAGStrzeleckiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/16/2024VAGStrzeleckiPromoted to active roster  Before
7/16/2024VAGYastrzemskiPromoted to active roster  Before
7/18/2024SCOSanchez,GPromoted to active roster  Before
7/19/2024FORBledayPromoted to active roster  Before
7/20/2024PHOStallingsPromoted to active roster  Before
7/20/2024SCOCoxPromoted to active roster  Before
7/20/2024SCOCruz,FPromoted to active roster  Before
7/20/2024SCOGelofPromoted to active roster  Before
7/20/2024SCOHanigerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/20/2024SCOJimenez,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/20/2024SCOLynchDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/20/2024SCOMateoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/20/2024SCOMoore,MaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/20/2024SCOPeralta,FPromoted to active roster  Before
7/20/2024SCOSanchez,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/20/2024SEAEdmanPromoted to active roster  Before
7/21/2024CLEPhamTraded awaySMS After
7/21/2024CLEYepezAcquired via tradeSMS After
7/21/2024RLFKelly,JAcquired via tradeSLG After
7/21/2024RLFMoretaAcquired via tradeSLG After
7/21/2024RLFPrattoTraded awaySLG After
7/21/2024RLFUrias,LTraded awaySLG After
7/21/2024SLGIndiaTraded awaySPC After
7/21/2024SLGKelly,JTraded awayRLF After
7/21/2024SLGMoretaTraded awayRLF After
7/21/2024SLGPrattoAcquired via tradeRLF After
7/21/2024SLGUrias,LAcquired via tradeRLF After
7/21/2024SMSPhamAcquired via tradeCLE After
7/21/2024SMSYepezTraded awayCLE After
7/21/2024SPCIndiaAcquired via tradeSLG After
7/23/2024BRODe La Cruz,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024BROMoore,DPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024COMArmstrongPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024COMBellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024COMGonzales,NPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024COMGottDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024COMGottPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024COMMeyersDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024COMMiller,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024COMRamirez,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024COMRuiz,EPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024COMShortDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024COMStantonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024COMStantonPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024COMVientosPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024COMWilson,SPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024COMYarbroughPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DEMHendricksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024DEMOrtiz,LLPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DEMRemillardDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024DRIBidoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DRICordero,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024DRIDe Los Santos,YDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024DRIFrancis,BPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DRIGalloPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DRIGreenPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DRIMatzPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DRIPacheDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024DRIPachePromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DRIQuintanaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024DRIStratton,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024DRITonkinPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DRIWachaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024DSXBlackburnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024DSXCabrera,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024DSXCabrera,EPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DSXFergusonPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DSXHouckDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024DSXHouckPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DSXKessingerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DSXLocastroPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DSXMcCarthyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024DSXPolancoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024DSXSanchez,CPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DSXStewart,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024DUTBrashDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024DUTIglesiasPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DUTLopez,RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024DUTMcGoughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024FIHFrance,JPDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024FIHMcClanahan,SPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024FORBrujanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024FORBrujanPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024FORGarrett,BPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024FORGreene,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024FORHerrera,JPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024FORJackson,ZSigned  Before
7/23/2024FORJackson,ZDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024FORJackson,ZPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024FORJansen,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024FORKarinchakSigned  Before
7/23/2024FORKarinchakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024FORKarinchakPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024FORLambert,PReleased  Before
7/23/2024FORLauerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024FORMarloweReleased  Before
7/23/2024FORPerez,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024FORRutledgeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024FORSalePromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024FORTrevinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024FORWilson,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024INPOrnelasPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024INPRamirez,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024PHOAbreu,JPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024PHOCecconiPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024PHODuran,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024PHOStallingsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024PINBaddooDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024PINBrazobanPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024PINCronPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024PINFreelandDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024PINFrelickDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024PINLucchesiPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024PINMay,TPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024PINPallanteDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024PINPruittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024PINSchreiberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024PINSchreiberPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024PINShawPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024REBBrennanPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024REBLewis,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024REBTaillonPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024REBWhite,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SCOCooperDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SCOGarcia,YPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SCOGarverDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SCOGonsolinPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SCOHamilton,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SCOJimenez,JPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SCOMateoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SCOMcArthurDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SCOSheehanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SEABaker,BPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SEABethancourtPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SEABrantleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SEADominguez,SPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SEAEdmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SEAGomesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SEAHaggertyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SEAMaton,PDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SEARagansDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SEATauchmanPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SEAVogelbachPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SLGDeJongDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SLGLittellPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SLGMaton,NSigned  Before
7/23/2024SLGMaton,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SLGMaton,NPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SLGMoretaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SLGRyan,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SLGWalker,RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SLGWard,TaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SLGWinn,MPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SMSGaddisPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SMSHouserDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SMSMcKennaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SMSMirandaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SMSMoniakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SMSTrioloDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SPCAdams,JReleased  Before
7/23/2024SPCCalhoun,WDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SPCGurriel,YDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SPCIndiaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SPCIsbelPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SPCMaedaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SPCMartinPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SPCMcKinstryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SPCNetoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SPCSilsethPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SPCTurner,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SPCTurner,JPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SPCWoodPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024STODonovanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024STOKelly,MiPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024STOMortonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024STOOdorPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024STORosario,EdPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024STOSolanoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024STOTeheranDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024STOUrias,JPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SYNJansen,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024SYNMejia,FPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SYNRenfroePromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024SYNTrejoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024VAGAdams,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024VAGBeltPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024VAGBibeePromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024VAGBlackmonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024VAGBrieskeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024VAGCaratiniDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024VAGGarrett,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024VAGGarrett,SPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024VAGMcGuirePromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024VAGMcKinneyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024VAGRaley,LPromoted to active roster  Before
7/23/2024VAGScherzerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024VAGYastrzemskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/23/2024VAGZavalaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/24/2024RLFButlerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/25/2024FORBrujanPromoted to active roster  Before
7/25/2024FORJansen,KPromoted to active roster  Before
7/25/2024INPKeller,BPromoted to active roster  Before
7/26/2024FORJansen,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/26/2024SEAEdmanPromoted to active roster  Before
7/27/2024PEAO'NeillPromoted to active roster  Before
7/28/2024CLEFairbanksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/28/2024CLEMay,DPromoted to active roster  Before
7/28/2024CLEMoran,JPromoted to active roster  Before
7/28/2024CLEPeterson,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/28/2024DUTAssadAcquired via tradeSPC After
7/28/2024DUTBrashTraded awaySPC After
7/28/2024DUTChapman,MTraded awaySPC After
7/28/2024DUTColeTraded awaySPC After
7/28/2024DUTNelson,RAcquired via tradeSPC After
7/28/2024DUTReynolds,BAcquired via tradeSPC After
7/28/2024SPCAssadTraded awayDUT After
7/28/2024SPCBrashAcquired via tradeDUT After
7/28/2024SPCChapman,MAcquired via tradeDUT After
7/28/2024SPCColeAcquired via tradeDUT After
7/28/2024SPCNelson,RTraded awayDUT After
7/28/2024SPCReynolds,BTraded awayDUT After
7/29/2024COMBellPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024COMGonzales,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024COMMiller,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024COMRamirez,NPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024COMShortPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024COMTopaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024COMYarbroughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DEMBrown,HPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DEMCabrera,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DEMHendricksPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DEMMayzaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DEMQuantrillDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DEMSteeleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DRIChargoisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DRICordero,JPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DRIDe Los Santos,YPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DRIGiolitoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DRIJackson,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DRIMarte,SPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DRIMatzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DRIQuintanaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DRIStewart,DJDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DRIWachaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DSXBlackburnPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DSXCabrera,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DSXDanielDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DSXDanielPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DSXFergusonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DSXHouckPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DSXJankowskiPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DSXKessingerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DSXLocastroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DSXPolancoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DSXSanchez,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DSXVinesPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DUTDarvishPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DUTDuvallPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DUTHudson,DakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DUTLangeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DUTLowe,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024DUTPalenciaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024DUTSoriano,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024EMPKempPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024EMPRojas,JLDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024EMPShusterPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024EMPWaldichukDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024FIHFrance,JPPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024FIHMartinez,JDPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024FIHMcClanahan,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024FIHRookerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024FORBrujanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024FORGreene,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024FORGreene,RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024FORMarisnickSigned  Before
7/29/2024FORMarisnickPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024FORRutledgeReleased  Before
7/29/2024FORTaylor,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024FORWynnsReleased  Before
7/29/2024FORZuninoSigned  Before
7/29/2024INPKeller,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024INPKiner-FalefaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024INPOrnelasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024INPRamos,HelPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024INPRojas,JoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024INPStoryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024INPStoryPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024PEAHedgesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024PEAMurphy,TPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024PEAO'NeillDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024PHOBlachSigned  Before
7/29/2024PHOBlachDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024PHOCecconiReleased  Before
7/29/2024PHOCisneroSigned  Before
7/29/2024PHOClarkeSigned  Before
7/29/2024PHOClarkeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024PHOClarkePromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024PHOFloroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024PHOLopez,JorSigned  Before
7/29/2024PHOMiddletonReleased  Before
7/29/2024PHOSmith,WMReleased  Before
7/29/2024PHOStallingsPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024PHOWentzReleased  Before
7/29/2024PINBrazobanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024PINDuran,JaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024PINFreelandPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024PINLodoloPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024PINLucchesiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024PINMaldonadoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024PINMoustakasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024PINPallantePromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024PINSchreiberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024PINVazquezPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024REBAdcockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024REBBrown,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024REBBuxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024REBGlasnowPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024REBKahnlePromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024REBLewis,RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024REBMeadows,PPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024REBSborzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024REBStrawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024REBWestburgPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024REBWhite,BPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024REBWhitlockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024RLFAlvaradoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024RLFBuschDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024RLFHill,RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024RLFLivelyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024RLFManningPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SCOCoxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SCOCruz,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SCOHamilton,IPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SCOJimenez,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SCOMcArthurPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SCOMoore,MaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SCOStaumontPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SCOStephenson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SEAAlvarez,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SEABaker,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SEABaumannPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SEAGomesPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SEAMaton,PPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SEANimmoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SEAPaxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SEARagansPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SEAReaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SEASeagerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SEAThielbarPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SEAVasquez,RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SEAVerHagenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SLGChirinosSigned  Before
7/29/2024SLGHaderPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SLGJones,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SLGKittredgeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SLGMaton,NReleased  Before
7/29/2024SLGPrattoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SLGUrias,LPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SLGWard,TaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SMSMcKennaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SMSStanekDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SMSVesiaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SPCBrashPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SPCHeywardDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SPCJackson,LPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SPCMaedaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SPCMaedaPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SPCRobertson,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SPCRogers,TaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SPCRogers,TyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SPCSiriPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SYNBoydDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SYNFaedoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SYNFlahertyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SYNHampsonPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SYNHolmesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SYNJimenez,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SYNKeplerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SYNLoveladyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SYNMitchell,GPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SYNMoncadaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024SYNNewcombPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SYNSandlinPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SYNTrejoPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024SYNVargas,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024VAGBlackmonPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024VAGGarrett,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024VAGGarrett,SPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024VAGMantiplyPromoted to active roster  Before
7/29/2024VAGMcKinneyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024VAGSchneiderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024VAGWilliams,aDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/2024VAGYastrzemskiPromoted to active roster  Before
7/30/2024SLGJones,NPromoted to active roster  Before
7/31/2024BROWendlePromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2024EMPParisPromoted to active roster  Before
8/1/2024REBSborzPromoted to active roster  Before
8/2/2024PHODuran,EPromoted to active roster  Before
8/3/2024RLFMoretaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/3/2024RLFPriesterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024BROHall,DLPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024BROSoriano,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024COMArmstrongDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024COMGermanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024COMMiller,MPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024COMRamirez,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024COMStantonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024COMTopaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024COMVientosDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024COMYarbroughPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DEMAluPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DEMCabrera,GPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DEMErcegDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DEMErcegPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DEMHendricksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DEMMayzaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DEMMlodzinskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DEMMlodzinskiPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DEMSteelePromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DRIChargoisPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DRICordero,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DRIDe Los Santos,YDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DRIdeGromPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DRIFrancis,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DRIGiolitoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DRIGiolitoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DRIGreenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DRIJackson,APromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DRIMileyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DRIQuintanaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DRIStratton,CPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DRIToussaintPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DSXDanielPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DSXJankowskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DSXMcCarthyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DSXVinesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTAssadDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTBummerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTChavisPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTDuvallDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTHudson,DakPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTIglesiasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTLangePromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTLopez,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTLowe,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTLowe,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTMcGoughPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTMcHughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTNootbaarPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTPerkinsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTPhillips,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTPhillips,CPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTSoderstromDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTSoriano,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTWallsPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024DUTYelichDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024EMPParisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024FIHAvilaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024FIHPeralta,WDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024FIHSaucedoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024FIHSaucedoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024FORBrujanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024FORMarisnickPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024FORTaylor,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024INPBielakPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024INPHarris II,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024INPIrvin,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024INPIrvin,CPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024INPIrvin,CPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024INPJavierDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024INPRafaelaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024INPRafaelaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024INPTellezPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024INPWilliamsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024PEABarriaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024PEAMeadPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024PEASingerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024PEAVasquez,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024PHOd'ArnaudDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024PHODuran,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024PHOWatersDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024PHOWatersPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024PINBrazobanPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024PINDuran,JaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024PINEovaldiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024PINFrelickDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024PINFrelickPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024PINFrelickPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024PINIrvin,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024PINLodoloDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024PINMay,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024PINMcLainDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024PINMcLainPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024PINMcLainDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024PINMoustakasPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024PINSchreiberPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SCOCooperPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SCOCruz,FPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SCOGarverPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SCOHamilton,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SCOHanigerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SCOJimenez,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SCOKirilloffDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SCOLorenzenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SCOMoore,MaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SCOSheehanPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SCOStaumontDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SCOStephenson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SEABrantleyReleased  Before
8/4/2024SEADominguez,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SEAGarrett,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SEAHoneywellSigned  Before
8/4/2024SEAHoneywellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SEAHoneywellPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SEANimmoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SEAPaxtonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SEARagansDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SEAReaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SEASuarez,RoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SEATauchmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SEAThielbarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SEAVasquez,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SEAVerHagenPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SLGAnderson,NPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SLGHigashiokaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SLGJones,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SLGLittellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SLGNaylor,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SLGRyan,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SLGWalker,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024STOKelly,MiPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024STOMcKenziePromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024STOMusgroveDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024STOOdorPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024STORiveraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024STORosario,EdPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024STOSolanoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024STOTeheranDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024STOWade,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024STOWade,LPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SYNAdellPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SYNBanksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SYNFaedoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SYNHolmesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SYNHolmesPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SYNIbanezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SYNJansen,DPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024SYNSandlinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SYNTrejoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024SYNVargas,IPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024VAGBibeeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024VAGBlackmonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024VAGCapelReleased  Before
8/4/2024VAGCaratiniPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024VAGFermin,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024VAGHilliardReleased  Before
8/4/2024VAGMcGuireDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024VAGMcKinneyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024VAGMonasterioSigned  Before
8/4/2024VAGMonasterioDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024VAGMonasterioPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024VAGMyers.DSigned  Before
8/4/2024VAGMyers.DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024VAGMyers.DPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024VAGPasquantinoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024VAGPeterson,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024VAGScherzerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024VAGSchoopSigned  Before
8/4/2024VAGSingletonSigned  Before
8/4/2024VAGSingletonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/2024VAGSingletonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/2024VAGStratton,HReleased  Before
8/4/2024VAGWilliams,aReleased  Before
8/4/2024VAGYastrzemskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/5/2024STOSolanoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/6/2024DEMAluDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/6/2024SEATauchmanPromoted to active roster  Before
8/7/2024DRIBarreroPromoted to active roster  Before
8/7/2024DUTMcHughPromoted to active roster  Before
8/7/2024INPKiner-FalefaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/8/2024CLEEdwards,XPromoted to active roster  Before
8/8/2024CLEYepezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/8/2024CLEYepezPromoted to active roster  Before
8/8/2024DEMAluPromoted to active roster  Before
8/9/2024REBAdcockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/9/2024REBAdcockPromoted to active roster  Before
8/9/2024REBBrown,SPromoted to active roster  Before
8/9/2024REBBuxtonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/9/2024REBCronenworthDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/9/2024REBCronenworthPromoted to active roster  Before
8/9/2024REBGlasnowDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/9/2024REBGlasnowPromoted to active roster  Before
8/9/2024REBLewis,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/9/2024REBLewis,RPromoted to active roster  Before
8/9/2024REBLowe,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/9/2024REBMeadows,PDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/9/2024REBSborzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/9/2024REBSborzPromoted to active roster  Before
8/9/2024REBStrahmDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/9/2024REBStrahmPromoted to active roster  Before
8/9/2024REBStrawPromoted to active roster  Before
8/9/2024REBTaillonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/9/2024REBWestburgDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/9/2024REBWhite,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/9/2024REBWhitlockPromoted to active roster  Before
8/9/2024REBWiemerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/9/2024REBWiemerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024BROArandaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024BROArandaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024BROGrissomPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024BROHernandez,JEDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024BROLa SorsaSigned  Before
8/10/2024BROLa SorsaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024BROMcCannDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024BROMorelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024BROSoriano,GReleased  Before
8/10/2024BROWallachPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024BROWendleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024CLEDetmersPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024CLEMiller,BrDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024COMAbbott,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024COMArmstrongPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024COMBiggioPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024COMGermanPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024COMGonzales,MSigned  Before
8/10/2024COMGonzales,MPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024COMJulienDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024COMMiller,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024COMMiller,SPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024COMNaylor,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024COMRamirez,NPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024COMSosa,LReleased  Before
8/10/2024COMVientosPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024COMWallnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024COMWilson,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024COMYarbroughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DEMAluDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DEMBrown,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DEMFryPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DEMHendricksPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DEMMurphy,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DEMQuantrillPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DEMSteeleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DRIBarreroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DRIBidoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DRIBidoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DRIdeGromDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DRIFrancis,BPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DRIGiolitoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DRIGiolitoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DRIMatzPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DRIMileyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DRIStratton,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DRIToussaintDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DSXAndrusDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DSXBernardinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DSXCabrera,EPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DSXClementPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DSXConfortoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DSXDavis,JoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DSXFergusonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DSXHouckDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DSXKershawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DSXSanchez,CPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DSXSosa,EPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DSXSuarez,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTAssadPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTBummerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTBummerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTBummerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTCastro,MIDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTCastro,MIPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTChavisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTDarvishDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTDarvishPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTDuvallPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTHudson,DakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTIglesiasPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTLangeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTLangePromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTLopez,RPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTLowe,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTMargotDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTMarquezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTMarquezPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTMcGoughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTPalenciaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTSoderstromPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTWallsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTWicksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024DUTWicksPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024EMPHorwitzPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024EMPSchanuelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024FIHGallegosDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024FIHGallegosPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024FIHKelly,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024FIHLugoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024FIHMcClanahan,SPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024FIHPeralta,WPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024FIHSaucedoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024FIHWoodruffPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024FORContrerasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024FORContrerasPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024FORGreene,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024FORGreene,RPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024FORHerrera,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024FORJackson,ZDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024FORJackson,ZPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024FORLauerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024FORPerez,EPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024FORTrevinoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024INPTellezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024PHOBoyleReleased  Before
8/10/2024PHODuran,EPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024PHOFlexenSigned  Before
8/10/2024PHOMontero,RReleased  Before
8/10/2024PHOMullerSigned  Before
8/10/2024PHORamirez,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024PHOSmith,KReleased  Before
8/10/2024PHOSmith,KSigned  Before
8/10/2024PHOWatersDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024PINBaddooPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024PINDunningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024PINDuran,JaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024PINEovaldiPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024PINFrelickDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024PINMay,TPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024PINMeansPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024PINMollDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024PINRosenbergPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024PINSchreiberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024PINSoto,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024PINStromanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024REBAdcockReleased  Before
8/10/2024REBCarltonSigned  Before
8/10/2024REBKahnleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024REBLewis,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024REBWestburgPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SCOGarcia,YDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SCOGelofDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SCOHamilton,IPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SCOHanigerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SCOLynchPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SCOMcArthurDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SCOMoore,MaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SCOSheehanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SEAAllen.LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SEAAlvarez,FPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SEABaker,BPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SEABaumannDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SEABethancourtDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SEABushDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SEABushPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SEAEdmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SEAPaxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SEAPaxtonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SEARagansPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SEASeagerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SEAVerHagenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SMSRengifoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SMSTrioloPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SPCBartPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SPCColasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SPCFermin,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SPCGurriel,YPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SPCMaedaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SPCMatosDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SPCNetoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SPCWoodDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024STOBoruckiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024STOGarcia,RoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024STOJarvisPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024STOMcKenzieDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024STOMusgrovePromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024STOOttavinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024STOSolanoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SYNAdellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SYNAguilarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SYNClaseDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SYNClevingerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SYNFelipeReleased  Before
8/10/2024SYNGonzalez,RSigned  Before
8/10/2024SYNGonzalez,RPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SYNHampsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SYNHolmesPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SYNIbanezPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SYNKeplerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SYNLoveladyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SYNMoncadaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SYNRenfroeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024SYNSandlinPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SYNSkubalPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SYNSmith,KSigned  Before
8/10/2024SYNSmith,KPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024SYNTrejoReleased  Before
8/10/2024SYNWisdomDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGAdams,RPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGBibeePromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGBrieskeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGBrieskePromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGCaratiniDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGFermin,JReleased  Before
8/10/2024VAGKelly,MeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGMantiplyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGMcGuirePromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGOkertPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGPasquantinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGPeterson,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGSchoopDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGSlaterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGSlaterPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGUrias,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGWade,TSigned  Before
8/10/2024VAGWade,TPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGWaldronDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGYastrzemskiPromoted to active roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGZavalaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/10/2024VAGZerpaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/13/2024PINSchreiberPromoted to active roster  Before
8/14/2024DEMAluDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/14/2024DEMAluPromoted to active roster  Before
8/14/2024DEMBrown,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/14/2024DEMBrown,HPromoted to active roster  Before
8/14/2024DEMFryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/14/2024DEMFryPromoted to active roster  Before
8/14/2024DEMMayzaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/14/2024DEMMlodzinskiPromoted to active roster  Before
8/14/2024DEMMontgomeryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/14/2024DEMMurphy,SPromoted to active roster  Before
8/14/2024DEMRemillardPromoted to active roster  Before
8/14/2024DEMSteelePromoted to active roster  Before
8/15/2024PINBaddooDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/15/2024PINDruryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/15/2024PINDunningPromoted to active roster  Before
8/15/2024PINEovaldiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/15/2024PINFrelickPromoted to active roster  Before
8/15/2024PINLucchesiPromoted to active roster  Before
8/15/2024PINMaldonadoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/15/2024PINMay,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/15/2024PINMeansDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/15/2024PINPruittPromoted to active roster  Before
8/15/2024PINSchreiberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/15/2024PINShawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/15/2024PINSoto,GPromoted to active roster  Before
8/15/2024REBGlasnowDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/15/2024REBTaillonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024BRODe La Cruz,EPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024BROHernandez,JEReleased  Before
8/16/2024BROLowe,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024BROLowe,BPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024BROMcCannPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024BROThompson,TSigned  Before
8/16/2024BROThompson,TPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024BROWendlePromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024CLEFairbanksPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024CLEHuffPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024CLELoftinPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024CLEMedinaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024CLEMiller,BrPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024CLENola,AuDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024CLERocchioPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024CLEYepezPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024COMAbbott,APromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024COMCampusanoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024COMDavis,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024COMGonzales,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024COMJulienPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024COMMiller,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024COMNaylor,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024COMWallnerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024COMWilson,SPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024COMYarbroughPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DRIAlexander,SPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DRIBarreroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024DRIBarreroPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DRIBidoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024DRICordero,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DRIDe Los Santos,YPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DRIGiolitoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DRIJackson,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024DRIMileyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024DRIQuintanaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DRIRizzoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024DRIStewart,DJPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DRIStratton,CPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DRIToussaintPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DRIWachaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024DRIWinkerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DSXAndrusPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DSXBernardinoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DSXChavezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024DSXClementDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024DSXConfortoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DSXDanielDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024DSXDavis,JoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024DSXHouckPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DSXJankowskiPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DSXJunisPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DSXLopez,PDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024DSXSuarez,EPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DSXVinesPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DUTAssadDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024DUTChavisPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DUTDarvishDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024DUTHudson,DakPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DUTMargotPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024DUTSoderstromDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024DUTWicksPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024EMPLiberatorePromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024EMPMegill,TyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024EMPParisPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024EMPRodriguez,EnPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024EMPSchanuelPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024EMPWaldichukPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024FIHLugoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024FIHMcClanahan,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024FIHRookerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024FIHSaucedoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024FIHSeverinoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024FIHThompson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024FORBrujanPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024FORChisholmDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024FORCruz,OPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024FORGreene,RPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024FORHerrera,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024FORJansen,KPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024FORTaylor,TPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024FORTrevinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024INPGormanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024INPGormanPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024INPKeller,BPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024INPRafaelaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024INPSianiPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024INPTellezPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024PEAEdwards,CSigned  Before
8/16/2024PEAEdwards,CPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024PEAFlemingReleased  Before
8/16/2024PEAHedgesPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024PEAKniznerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024PEARamirez,YSigned  Before
8/16/2024PEARamirez,YDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024PEARamirez,YPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024PEAVasquez,AReleased  Before
8/16/2024PHOArraezPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024PHOBlachPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024PHOCanningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024PHOd'ArnaudPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024PHOFlexenPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024PHOPollockSigned  Before
8/16/2024PHOPollockPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024PHOWatersReleased  Before
8/16/2024PHOWeaverDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024PINDruryPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024PINLodoloPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024PINMollPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024PINSchreiberPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024PINSorokaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024PINSorokaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024REBCronenworthPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024REBLewis,RPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024REBLowe,NPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024REBWhite,BPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024RLFAlvaradoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024RLFBuschPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024RLFButlerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024RLFFletcher,DoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024RLFHerrera,IPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024RLFLivelyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024RLFLopez,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024RLFSanchez,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SCOCoxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SCOCoxPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SCOGarcia,YPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SCOGelofPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SCOHamilton,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SCOKirilloffPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SCOSheehanPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SCOStaumontPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SEAAllen.LPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SEABaker,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SEABaumannPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SEADominguez,SPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SEAHaggertyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SEALeiterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SEAMarsh,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SEARagansDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SEARagansPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SEAReaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SEAUrquidyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SEAVogelbachDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SLGCarpenter,MReleased  Before
8/16/2024SLGDeJongPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SLGJones,NPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SLGJungPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SLGPrattoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SLGRodgersDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SLGSosa,LSigned  Before
8/16/2024SLGSosa,LPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SLGUrias,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SLGVottoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SLGWalker,RPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SLGWinn,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SMSArroyoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SMSCastro,HPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SMSEflinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SMSGrovePromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SMSJamesonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SMSManciniPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SMSMcKennaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SMSWalker,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SPCBurkePromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SPCCuasPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SPCFermin,FPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SPCHelsleyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SPCMatosPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SPCThompson,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024STODoddReleased  Before
8/16/2024STOHoffmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024STOMcKenziePromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024STOMillasPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024STOMusgroveDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024STOOttavinoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024STORiveraPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024STOSaalfrankSigned  Before
8/16/2024STOSaalfrankPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024STOYoung,JSPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SYNBanksPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SYNClasePromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SYNHampsonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SYNJimenez,DPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SYNLoveladyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SYNLoveladyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SYNMitchell,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SYNNewcombDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SYNNewcombPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SYNRenfroePromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SYNSkubalDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SYNSkubalPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SYNVargas,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SYNWells,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024SYNWisdomPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024SYNWrightPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024VAGAdams,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024VAGBradfordPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024VAGBrieskePromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024VAGCaratiniPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024VAGGilbert,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024VAGKelly,MePromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024VAGMcGuireDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/16/2024VAGSchneiderPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024VAGSchoopPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024VAGWaldronPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024VAGZavalaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/16/2024VAGZerpaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/17/2024SCOLynchDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/17/2024SCOMcArthurPromoted to active roster  Before
8/17/2024VAGSchneiderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/20/2024SEAEdmanPromoted to active roster  Before
8/21/2024REBBouchardPromoted to active roster  Before
8/21/2024REBBrown,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/21/2024REBCleavingerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/21/2024REBCronenworthDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/21/2024REBDominguez,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/21/2024REBGlasnowPromoted to active roster  Before
8/21/2024REBKahnlePromoted to active roster  Before
8/21/2024REBMeadows,PPromoted to active roster  Before
8/21/2024REBStrahmDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/21/2024REBStrahmPromoted to active roster  Before
8/21/2024REBStrawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/21/2024REBWhite,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/21/2024REBWhitlockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/21/2024REBWiemerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/21/2024REBWinn,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/21/2024REBWinn,KPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024BROAmaya,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024BROArandaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024BROBoxbergerSigned  Before
8/23/2024BRODe La Cruz,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024BROGallagherSigned  Before
8/23/2024BROKieboomPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024BROLowe,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024BROMarinaccioReleased  Before
8/23/2024BROMcCannReleased  Before
8/23/2024BROMorelPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024CLEBrideSigned  Before
8/23/2024CLEHuffReleased  Before
8/23/2024COMAbbott,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024COMDavis,HPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024COMGonzales,MPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024COMVientosDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DEMBrown,HPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DEMMontgomeryPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DEMQuantrillDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DEMSengaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DRIAlexander,SReleased  Before
8/23/2024DRIBarreroPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DRIBazardoSigned  Before
8/23/2024DRIBazardoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DRIChargoisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DRIGalloDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DRIHendriksReleased  Before
8/23/2024DRIMearsSigned  Before
8/23/2024DRIMearsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DRIMearsPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DRIVerlanderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DRIWachaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DSXBlackburnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DSXChavezPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DSXDanielPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DSXDavis,JoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DSXHouckDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DSXJankowskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DSXJunisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DSXJunisPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DSXKershawPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DSXLopez,PPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DSXVinesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DUTAssadPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DUTBummerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DUTCastro,MIDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DUTChavisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DUTDarvishPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DUTHudson,DakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DUTLangeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DUTMarquezPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DUTPalenciaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024DUTPfaadtDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DUTSoriano,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DUTWicksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024DUTYelichPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024EMPBlanco,RSigned  Before
8/23/2024EMPGreinkeReleased  Before
8/23/2024FORFraleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024FORJansen,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024FORLauerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024PINBrazobanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024PINDunningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024PINEovaldiPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024PINLucchesiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024PINSorokaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024PINStromanPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SCOCoxPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SCOHamilton,IPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SCOJimenez,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SCOLorenzenPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SCOMoore,MaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SCOSheehanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SEAAlvarez,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SEAAlvarez,FPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SEABaker,BPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SEABaumannDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SEABethancourtPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SEACabrera,ODemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SEAFrazier,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SEALarnachPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SEALeiterPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SEAMarsh,BPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SEAUrquidyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SEAVogelbachPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SLGAnderson,TyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SLGHicks,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SLGKittredgePromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SLGLittellPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SMSEflinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SMSEflinPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SMSJamesonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SMSPerez,MaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SMSRodonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SMSWalker,TPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SPCJackson,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SPCMarsh,APromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SPCMcKinstryPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SPCSilsethDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SPCSiriDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SPCWoodPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024STOMillasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024STOSolanoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024STOThompson,ZDPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024STOTroutDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SYNBoydPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SYNClevingerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SYNFaedoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SYNHolmesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SYNJimenez,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SYNLoveladyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SYNPivettaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SYNSkubalDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024SYNVargas,IPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024SYNWells,TPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024VAGAlbertoSigned  Before
8/23/2024VAGEspinalSigned  Before
8/23/2024VAGGilbert,LPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024VAGKelly,MeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/23/2024VAGLuplowSigned  Before
8/23/2024VAGMcGuirePromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024VAGMonasterioReleased  Before
8/23/2024VAGMyers.DReleased  Before
8/23/2024VAGPasquantinoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/23/2024VAGSingletonReleased  Before
8/23/2024VAGYastrzemskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/27/2024CLEFairbanksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/27/2024CLEMontero,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/27/2024CLENola,AuPromoted to active roster  Before
8/27/2024CLEPepiotPromoted to active roster  Before
8/27/2024REBBouchardDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/27/2024REBStrawPromoted to active roster  Before
8/27/2024RLFAlvaradoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/27/2024RLFAshcraftDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/27/2024RLFEstesPromoted to active roster  Before
8/27/2024RLFManningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/27/2024RLFOrtiz,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/27/2024RLFSpringsPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024COMArmstrongDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024COMMiller,MPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024COMMiller,SPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024COMRamirez,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024COMVientosPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024COMWallnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024DEMAluPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024DEMOrtiz,LLDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024DEMQuantrillDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024DEMQuantrillPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024DEMSengaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024DRIBidoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024DRIGiolitoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024DRIVerlanderPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024DRIWachaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024DSXAntoneSigned  Before
8/28/2024DSXBlackburnPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024DSXDanielReleased  Before
8/28/2024DSXDavis,JoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024DSXJankowskiPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024DSXJunisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024DSXReid-FoleySigned  Before
8/28/2024DSXReid-FoleyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024DSXSanchez,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024DSXStewart,BReleased  Before
8/28/2024DUTAssadDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024DUTCastro,MIPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024DUTMarquezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024DUTWicksPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024FIHBieberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024FIHMcClanahan,SPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024FORJansen,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024FORJansen,KPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024FORJansen,KPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024FORKing,JSigned  Before
8/28/2024FORLauerReleased  Before
8/28/2024FORMarisnickReleased  Before
8/28/2024FORPearsonPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024FORPerez,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024FORTapia,DSigned  Before
8/28/2024PEABradley,JSigned  Before
8/28/2024PEACrawford,BReleased  Before
8/28/2024PEAJimenez,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024PEAPeguero,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024PEAWeathersDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024PINBaddooReleased  Before
8/28/2024PINBrazobanPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024PINDunningPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024PINFrelickDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024PINIrvin,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024PINLodoloDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024PINMcLainPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024PINOrtega,RSigned  Before
8/28/2024PINOrtega,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024PINOrtega,RPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024PINPallanteDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024PINPallantePromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024PINSchreiberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024PINSorokaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024PINSorokaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024REBCleavingerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024REBCronenworthPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024REBDominguez,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024REBKahnleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024REBMeadows,PDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024REBWhite,BPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024REBWiemerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024REBWinn,KPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024RLFLawlarPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024RLFLucianoPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024RLFMorenoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024RLFPriesterPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024RLFSwanson,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024RLFVestDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024SCOFulmer,MPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SCOGelofDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024SCOGelofPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SCOMcArthurDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024SCOMoore,MaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SEABaker,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024SEABubicPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SEABushPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SEAChafinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024SEAChafinPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SEADominguez,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024SEAGarrett,APromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SEAPaxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024SEARagansDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024SEAVasquez,RPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SEAVerHagenPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SLGAnderson,NReleased  Before
8/28/2024SLGKittredgeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024SLGLee,KSigned  Before
8/28/2024SLGNaylor,BPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SLGRomeroPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SLGRyan,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024SLGScholtensSigned  Before
8/28/2024SLGStubbsReleased  Before
8/28/2024SMSCosgroveDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024SMSEflinPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SMSFletcher,DaPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SMSGaddisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024SMSKerrPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SMSOzunaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024STOBattenfieldSigned  Before
8/28/2024STOBellingerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024STOFeltnerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024STOMarte,NPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024STOMcKenzieDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024STOSaalfrankReleased  Before
8/28/2024STOTroutPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024STOUrias,JPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SYNHolmesPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SYNJimenez,DPromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024SYNNewcombDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024SYNPerez,CEDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024VAGGuillormeSigned  Before
8/28/2024VAGKelly,MePromoted to active roster  Before
8/28/2024VAGOkertReleased  Before
8/28/2024VAGOlson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/28/2024VAGRamos,HenSigned  Before
8/28/2024VAGWade,TReleased  Before
8/29/2024FIHFrance,TPromoted to active roster  Before
8/29/2024SCOGelofDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/31/2024DUTAssadPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024COMArmstrongPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024COMCrochetPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024COMGonzales,NPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024COMJulienDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024COMMiller,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024COMMiller,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024DEMHendricksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024DEMOrtiz,LLPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024DEMQuantrillPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024DEMRemillardDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024DEMSengaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024DRIBidoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024DRIdeGromPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024DRIMileyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024DRIToussaintDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024DSXHouckPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024DSXKershawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024EMPHorwitzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024EMPLopez,JacPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024EMPSchanuelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024EMPSeguraReleased  Before
9/2/2024EMPVillarSigned  Before
9/2/2024EMPWesneskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024FIHBieberPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024FIHBrasierDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024FIHFrance,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024FORCastro,RReleased  Before
9/2/2024FORCurryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024FORGinkelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024FORJackson,ZReleased  Before
9/2/2024FORJansen,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024FORPayampsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024FORPearsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024FORRogers,TrPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024FORSaleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024FORSandsSigned  Before
9/2/2024FORWeissSigned  Before
9/2/2024INPHaysDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024INPPereiraPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024PHOCanningReleased  Before
9/2/2024PHOLeoneSigned  Before
9/2/2024PHOMerryweatherReleased  Before
9/2/2024PHOWooDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024PHOWoodfordSigned  Before
9/2/2024PHOWoodfordDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024PHOWoodfordPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024PINBarlow,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024PINFreelandDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024PINLucchesiPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024PINPruittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024PINSchreiberPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024PINShawPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024REBBrown,SPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024REBGlasnowDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024REBWhitlockPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024REBWinn,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024RLFLongoriaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024RLFThomas,APromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024SEAAllen.LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024SEABaker,BPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024SEABaumannPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024SEABubicDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024SEABushDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024SEACabrera,OPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024SEAFrazier,APromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024SEAGarrett,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024SEAHernandez,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024SEAHernandez,CPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024SEALeiterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024SEAPaxtonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024SEARagansPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024SEASuarez,RoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024SEAUrquidyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024SEAVasquez,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024SEAVasquez,RPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024SEAVerHagenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024SLGRyan,JPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024SLGWalker,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024SMSStanekPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024SMSWeemsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024SPCAlexander,SSigned  Before
9/2/2024SPCGordonReleased  Before
9/2/2024SPCJackson,LReleased  Before
9/2/2024SPCLauerSigned  Before
9/2/2024STOBattenfieldDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024STOBellingerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024STOHoffmanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024STOJarvisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024STOKelly,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024STOMarte,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/2/2024STOMusgrovePromoted to active roster  Before
9/2/2024STOPintoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/3/2024VAGPasquantinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/3/2024VAGUrias,RPromoted to active roster  Before
9/4/2024DUTWallsPromoted to active roster  Before
9/4/2024SLGCarlsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2024PINPruittPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2024SPCAlexander,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2024SPCAlexander,SPromoted to active roster  Before
9/5/2024SPCGreene,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/5/2024SPCLauerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/6/2024COMAndujarPromoted to active roster  Before
9/6/2024COMArmstrongDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/6/2024PINPruittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/6/2024REBBrown,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/6/2024REBDominguez,JPromoted to active roster  Before
9/6/2024REBGlasnowPromoted to active roster  Before
9/6/2024REBHarveyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/6/2024REBKahnlePromoted to active roster  Before
9/6/2024REBSborzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/6/2024REBWhitlockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/6/2024REBWinn,KPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024BROBauersSigned  Before
9/8/2024BROSmith,DoReleased  Before
9/8/2024CLEFairbanksPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024CLEYepezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024DEMBachmanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DEMQuantrillDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024DRIBidoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DRIChargoisPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DRIdeGromDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024DRIFrancis,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024DRIGalloPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DRIGiolitoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DRIQuintanaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024DRIStewart,DJDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024DRIVerlanderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024DRIWachaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DSXAntoneReleased  Before
9/8/2024DSXBlackburnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024DSXBristoSigned  Before
9/8/2024DSXBristoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024DSXGausmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024DSXJunisPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DSXKershawPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DSXSanchez,CPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DUTAssadDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024DUTHudson,DakPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DUTIglesiasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024DUTLangePromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DUTMarquezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024DUTMarquezPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DUTMcGoughPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DUTMcHughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024DUTMcHughPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DUTPerkinsPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DUTPhillips,CPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DUTSoriano,JPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024DUTWallsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024DUTWicksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024EMPNodaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024FIHBautistaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024FIHKelly,KPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024FIHPatinoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024FIHWoodruffDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024FORGarrett,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024FORPerez,EPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024INPFoleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024INPHarris II,MPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024PEACastillo,DAReleased  Before
9/8/2024PEACoveySigned  Before
9/8/2024PEAGarcia,LAReleased  Before
9/8/2024PEALawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024PEAPlesacPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024PEATapia,RSigned  Before
9/8/2024PEATrammellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024PINBarlow,SPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024PINFrelickPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024PINIrvin,JPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024PINLucchesiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024PINMaldonadoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024PINMay,TPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024PINPruittPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024PINSchreiberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024PINShawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024PINSorokaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024REBBouchardPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024REBCronenworthDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024RLFBuschDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024RLFButlerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024RLFLivelyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024RLFLongoriaReleased  Before
9/8/2024RLFNevinSigned  Before
9/8/2024RLFNevinPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024RLFPillarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024SCOCanarioPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024SCOFulmer,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024SCOFulmer,MPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024SCOFulmer,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024SCOGonsolinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024SCOJimenez,JPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024SCOMervisPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024SCOMoore,MaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024SCOSanchez,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024SCOSheehanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024SEARagansDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024SLGSmith,PSigned  Before
9/8/2024SLGTogliaSigned  Before
9/8/2024SLGUrias,LReleased  Before
9/8/2024SLGVottoReleased  Before
9/8/2024SPCAlexander,SPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024SPCHelsleyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024SPCHeywardPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024SPCIndiaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024SPCMaedaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024SPCThompson,KPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024STOBattenfieldPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024STOHoffmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024STOKelly,CPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024STOMarte,NPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024STOMortonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024STOMortonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024STOMusgroveDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024STOSolanoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024STOSolanoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024STOTroutDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024STOTroutPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024STOUrias,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024SYNHolmesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024SYNHolmesPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024SYNJansen,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024SYNPerez,CEPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024VAGAdams,RPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024VAGBeckReleased  Before
9/8/2024VAGBrieskeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024VAGDazaSigned  Before
9/8/2024VAGEspinalReleased  Before
9/8/2024VAGMantiplyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024VAGMastrobuoniSigned  Before
9/8/2024VAGMcKinneyReleased  Before
9/8/2024VAGOlson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
9/8/2024VAGOrtega,OSigned  Before
9/8/2024VAGRaley,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024VAGScherzerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024VAGWaldronDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/8/2024VAGZerpaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/12/2024CLEBradley,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/2024CLECivalePromoted to active roster  Before
9/12/2024CLEFairbanksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/2024CLEHancockPromoted to active roster  Before
9/12/2024CLERocchioDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/2024CLEYepezPromoted to active roster  Before
9/12/2024PINEovaldiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/2024PINMay,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/2024PINMeansPromoted to active roster  Before
9/12/2024PINRosenbergDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/2024PINSchreiberPromoted to active roster  Before
9/12/2024PINShawPromoted to active roster  Before
9/12/2024REBBouchardDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/2024REBCarltonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/12/2024REBHarveyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/12/2024REBMeadows,PPromoted to active roster  Before
9/12/2024REBSborzPromoted to active roster  Before
9/12/2024REBWinn,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024CLEBarnhartSigned  Before
9/13/2024CLEBrideReleased  Before
9/13/2024CLELoftinReleased  Before
9/13/2024CLEMartinez,SSigned  Before
9/13/2024COMArmstrongDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024COMArmstrongPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024COMGermanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024COMMiller,MPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024DEMOrtiz,LLDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024DEMQuantrillPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024DEMRemillardPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024DEMStottDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024DRIChargoisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024DRIFordDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024DRIFrancis,BPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024DRIStewart,DJPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024DSXBlackburnPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024DSXBristoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024DSXBukauskasSigned  Before
9/13/2024DSXCabrera,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024DSXChavezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024DSXGausmanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024DSXLopez,PDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024DSXReid-FoleyReleased  Before
9/13/2024DUTAssadPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024DUTHudson,DakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024DUTIglesiasPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024DUTPhillips,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024EMPWaldichukDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024EMPWaldichukPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024EMPWalterPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024FIHBautistaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024FIHBautistaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024FORChisholmPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024FORGarrett,BPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024FORMitchell,CPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024FORSalePromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024FORVelazquez,NPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024INPJavierPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024INPMinterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024INPRamos,HelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024INPStoryPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024INPValdez,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024INPWhite,OPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024PEAHarrison,JSigned  Before
9/13/2024PEALeMahieuReleased  Before
9/13/2024PHOBickfordDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024PHOBickfordPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024PHOFloroPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024PHOGonzalez,ODemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024PHOGoodmanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024PHOMiller,BoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024REBCarltonReleased  Before
9/13/2024REBLindgrenSigned  Before
9/13/2024REBLindgrenPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024REBWhite,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024RLFBradishDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024RLFEstesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024RLFLopez,NPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024RLFSwanson,DPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SCOCanarioDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SCOCoxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SCOCoxPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SCOCruz,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SCOFulmer,CSigned  Before
9/13/2024SCOFulmer,CPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SCOFulmer,MPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SCOGelofPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SCOGonsolinPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SCOHamilton,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SCOHanigerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SCOLewis,KReleased  Before
9/13/2024SCOMoore,MaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SCOStaumontDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SCOStephenson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SEAAnderson,CSigned  Before
9/13/2024SEABushPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SEADominguez,SPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SEAHaggertyReleased  Before
9/13/2024SEAPaxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SEARagansPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SEAUrquidyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SLGAnderson,TyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SLGBurlesonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SLGHicks,JPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SLGLittellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SLGTaverasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SPCCalhoun,WReleased  Before
9/13/2024SPCCuetoSigned  Before
9/13/2024SPCMatosDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SPCRogers,TaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SPCThompson,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024STOKelly,MiReleased  Before
9/13/2024STOMcKenziePromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024STOMillasPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024STOMortonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024STOPintoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024STOYoung,DSigned  Before
9/13/2024SYNAdellPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SYNGravemanReleased  Before
9/13/2024SYNHampsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SYNHuffSigned  Before
9/13/2024SYNHuffPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SYNJansen,DPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SYNMejia,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SYNMoncadaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SYNPerez,CEDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024SYNPivettaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024SYNVargas,IDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024VAGBeltReleased  Before
9/13/2024VAGBrosseauSigned  Before
9/13/2024VAGDe LeonSigned  Before
9/13/2024VAGDe LeonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024VAGGarrett,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024VAGMantiplyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024VAGOlson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024VAGRendonReleased  Before
9/13/2024VAGScherzerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/13/2024VAGTateReleased  Before
9/13/2024VAGUrias,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/13/2024VAGVoitSigned  Before
9/14/2024FORFraleyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/15/2024SMSDelayPlaced on Injured List 9/16/2024Before
9/15/2024SMSHaasePromoted to active roster  Before
9/16/2024PINMaldonadoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/17/2024COMArmstrongPromoted to active roster  Before
9/17/2024COMDavis,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/17/2024COMGermanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/17/2024COMHoltonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/17/2024COMMiller,SPromoted to active roster  Before
9/17/2024COMYarbroughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/17/2024DEMBurnesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/17/2024DEMHendricksPromoted to active roster  Before
9/17/2024DEMHoldermanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/17/2024DEMHoldermanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/17/2024DEMMontgomeryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/17/2024DEMOrtiz,LLPromoted to active roster  Before
9/17/2024PINEovaldiPromoted to active roster  Before
9/17/2024PINMaldonadoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/17/2024PINMay,TPromoted to active roster  Before
9/17/2024PINMeansDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/17/2024PINPallanteDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024DRIBidoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024DRIChargoisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024DRIChargoisPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024DRIChargoisPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024DRICordero,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024DRIdeGromPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024DRIFordPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024DRIFrancis,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024DRIGiolitoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024DRIMatzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024DRIPacheDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024DRIQuintanaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024DRIRizzoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024DRISolerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024DRIVerlanderPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024DSXBlackburnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024DSXLopez,PPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024DUTDarvishDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024DUTMarquezPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024DUTMcGoughDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024DUTSoderstromPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024EMPCanzoneDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024EMPLopez,JacDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024EMPWaldichukDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024FIHBednarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024FIHBrasierPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024FIHFrance,TPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024FIHMenesesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024FIHNarvaezPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024FORGarrett,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024FORMitchell,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024FORMitchell,CPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024FORSaleDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024FORVelazquez,ASigned  Before
9/18/2024FORVelazquez,NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024FORVelazquez,NPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024FORWeissReleased  Before
9/18/2024INPElderDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024INPRamirez,HPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024INPValdez,FPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024INPWinckowskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024PEASuzukiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024PEATaylor,MADemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024PINPallantePromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024PINSchreiberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024PINSchreiberPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024PINSchreiberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024PINShawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024PINShawPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024REBAbramsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024REBBrown,SPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024REBCronenworthPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024REBGlasnowDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024REBJackson,JSigned  Before
9/18/2024REBLindgrenReleased  Before
9/18/2024REBRomanoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024REBWhite,BPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024REBWhitlockPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024REBWiemerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024SCOCoxDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024SCOCruz,FPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024SCOGelofDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024SCOHanigerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024SCOStaumontPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024SEABaker,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024SEABushReleased  Before
9/18/2024SEAGarrett,AReleased  Before
9/18/2024SEAGray,JonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024SEAUrenaSigned  Before
9/18/2024SEAWainwrightSigned  Before
9/18/2024SLGRodgersPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024SLGSchmidtDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024SLGWalker,RPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024SMSDelayActivated from Injured List  Before
9/18/2024SMSGaddisPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024SMSMoniakPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024SMSWebb,LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024SPCAlexander,SReleased  Before
9/18/2024SPCCobbDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024SPCColasPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024SPCGurriel,YReleased  Before
9/18/2024SPCJunkSigned  Before
9/18/2024SPCMatosPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024SPCPerez,CJSigned  Before
9/18/2024SPCPocheDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024STOBattenfieldReleased  Before
9/18/2024STOKriskeSigned  Before
9/18/2024STOMcKenzieDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024STOMortonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024STOMusgrovePromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024STOOttavinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024STOSousaSigned  Before
9/18/2024STOThompson,ZDDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024STOUrias,JPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024STOYoung,DReleased  Before
9/18/2024SYNBattenPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024SYNClevingerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024SYNClevingerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024SYNFaedoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024SYNFlahertyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024SYNMoncadaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024SYNWells,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024VAGAzocarSigned  Before
9/18/2024VAGBibeeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024VAGBibeePromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024VAGMcGuireDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024VAGNardiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/18/2024VAGOlson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
9/18/2024VAGRamos,HenReleased  Before
9/18/2024VAGSlaterDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/21/2024DRIFordDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/21/2024DRIMearsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/21/2024DSXBristoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024DRIBarreroDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024DRIBazardoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024DRIChargoisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024DRIFordPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024DRIFrancis,BPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024DRIMarte,SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024DRIMatzPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024DRIPachePromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024DRIRizzoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024DRISolerPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024DRIStratton,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024DRIToussaintPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024DRIWinkerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNAdellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNAguilarPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNBanksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNBoydDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNFaedoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNFaedoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNFaedoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNGonzalez,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNHampsonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNHuffDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNJimenez,DDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNJimenez,DPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNLoveladyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNLoveladyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNManaeaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNManaeaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNMejia,FDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNMejia,FPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNMitchell,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNMitchell,GPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNPerez,CEPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNPivettaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNRenfroeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNSkubalPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNSmith,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNSmith,KPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNVargas,IPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNWells,TPromoted to active roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNWisdomDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/22/2024SYNWrightDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMAluDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMBachmanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMBenintendiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMBrown,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMBurnesPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMErcegDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMFryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMHendricksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMHendricksPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMMlodzinskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMMlodzinskiPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMMontgomeryPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMOrtiz,LLDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMQuantrillDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMRemillardDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMSengaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMStottPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024DEMUribePromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024INPBielakDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024INPElderPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024INPFoleyPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024INPHaysPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024INPMinterPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024INPOviedoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024INPPereiraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024INPRamos,HelDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024INPRamos,HelPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024INPRojas,JoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024INPSianiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024INPStoryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024INPStoryPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024INPWinckowskiPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024PINDunningDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024PINIrvin,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024PINMaldonadoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024PINRosenbergPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024PINSchreiberPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024PINSoto,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024PINSoto,GPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024PINStromanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024REBBuxtonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024REBCronenworthDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024REBCronenworthPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024REBDominguez,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024REBGlasnowPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024REBJackson,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024REBMeadows,PDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024REBMikolasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024REBRomanoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/24/2024REBWhite,BDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024REBWhitlockDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/24/2024REBWinn,KPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024PINDunningPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024PINIrvin,JPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024PINMaldonadoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024PINOrtega,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024PINPallanteDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024PINPruittDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024PINRosenbergDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024PINSchreiberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024PINShawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024PINStromanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024REBMikolasPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024REBTaillonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024SMSArroyoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024SMSCastro,HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024SMSCosgrovePromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024SMSFletcher,DaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024SMSGaddisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024SMSGroveDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024SMSHaaseDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024SMSKerrDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024SMSManciniDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024SMSMirandaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024SMSOzunaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024SMSRengifoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024SMSRodonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024SMSVesiaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024SMSWebb,LPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024SMSWeemsPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024STOBoruckiPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024STOHoffmanPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024STOJarvisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024STOJarvisPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024STOKriskeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024STOLynnDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024STOLynnPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024STOMillasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024STOMortonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024STOMortonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024STOMortonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024STOOdorDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024STOOttavinoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024STOPerdomo,ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024STORiveraDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024STORosario,EdDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024STORosario,EdPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024STOSousaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/26/2024STOThompson,ZDPromoted to active roster  Before
9/26/2024STOUrias,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024DEMBenintendiPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024DEMErcegPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024DEMMayzaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024DEMMlodzinskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024DRIMarte,SPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024DRITovarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024DSXBukauskasDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024DSXChavezPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024DSXFergusonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024DSXJunisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024DSXSosa,EDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHAvilaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHAvilaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHBautistaPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHBednarPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHBieberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHBryantDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHFrance,TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHGallegosDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHJoeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHJoePromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHMenesesPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHNarvaezDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHPatinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHSaucedoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHSaucedoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHSeverinoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHThompson,RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHUrshelaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024FIHWoodruffPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024REBSborzDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024REBTaillonPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024SCOFulmer,CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024SCOFulmer,MDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024SCOGelofPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024SCOHamilton,IPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024SCOHanigerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024SCOMateoDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024SCOMervisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024SCOMoore,MaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024SCOSanchez,GPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024SCOSheehanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024SCOStaumontDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024SCOStephenson,RPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024SMSHouserPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024SMSMcKennaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024SYNAguilarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024SYNBanksPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024SYNClevingerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024SYNFaedoPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024SYNPerez,CEDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/30/2024SYNPerez,CEPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024SYNWisdomPromoted to active roster  Before
9/30/2024SYNWrightDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/10/2024DEMErcegDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/10/2024DEMFryPromoted to active roster  Before
10/10/2024REBAbramsPromoted to active roster  Before
10/10/2024REBArciaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/10/2024REBSborzPromoted to active roster  Before
10/10/2024REBWinn,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/10/2024SCOCoxPromoted to active roster  Before
10/10/2024SCOJimenez,JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/10/2024SCOMateoPromoted to active roster  Before
10/10/2024SCOSanchez,GDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/10/2024SYNPerez,CEDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/21/2024DEMErcegPromoted to active roster  Before
10/21/2024DEMHendricksDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/21/2024DEMMlodzinskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/21/2024DEMMlodzinskiPromoted to active roster  Before
10/21/2024REBArciaPromoted to active roster  Before
10/21/2024REBCronenworthDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/21/2024REBSandovalDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/21/2024REBWiemerPromoted to active roster  Before
10/22/2024REBSandovalPromoted to active roster  Before
10/24/2024REBCronenworthPromoted to active roster  Before
10/24/2024REBMeadows,PPromoted to active roster  Before
10/24/2024REBWinn,KDemoted to reserve roster  Before
10/24/2024REBWinn,KPromoted to active roster  Before
10/29/2024REBCronenworthDemoted to reserve roster  Before