Pat Boyack and the Prowlers
Super Blue and Funky
Bullseye Blues
Super Blue and Funky is the Prowlers' third CD for Bullseye Blues, and the
first with new vocalist Spencer Thomas. This disc shows a group which has matured
considerably, and is ready to move on to the next echelon of blues bands.
The CD starts off very strong, with a rockin' version of "For You My Love."
Thomas is a smoother singer than his predecessor with the Prowlers, Jimmy Morello, and his
voice is well-suited for this jump blues style. Boyack provides just enough variety here
with a few frantic rockabilly-style guitar licks.
Thomas gets to shine on the second cut "I'll Be The Joker" and later on the
ballad "Sweet Redemption." He's got a rich, soulful voice somewhat reminiscent
of fellow Texas crooner Darrell Nulisch.
You should now add Pat Boyack to your list of hot young blues guitar slingers, as he's
earned a spot there. Just listen to his rip roarin' work on the instrumental
"Longwallin'" and the big fat Gibson sound he turns out on "Think (Before
You Do)."
An added bonus to Super Blue and Funky is the guest appearance by the
godfather of Austin blues, W.C. Clark, on two cuts. This pair of slow blues, the very
intense "Righteous Love" and "Why Must I Suffer," are the highlights
of the album.
Finally, Boyack pays tribute to one of his main musical mentors Pee Wee Crayton on the
swingin' instrumental "Poppa Stoppa."
I saw the Prowlers in concert right around the same time that this CD came out. Trust
me --- they're one hot band!
- Bill Mitchell |